
Complete Ansible Semaphore Tutorial: From Installation to

Complete Ansible Semaphore Tutorial: From Installation to Automation

#Complete #Ansible #Semaphore #Tutorial #Installation

“Learn Linux TV”

Do you want to make server deployment easier? Consider Ansible Semaphore: An awesome project that provides a full GUI experience around Ansible, enabling you to take your automation game to the next level. In this video, Jay will show you how to install Ansible Semaphore, set it up, and…



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  1. I am struggling to understand the use case of Ansible Semaphore. It is just extracting some configuration bits into UI, right? All the details still have to be provided in these text fields. Why should I do this? There is no sytax highlighting, no linting and there are no "templates" to quickly build upon. What is the reason to not engage with the configuration directly?

  2. I have a huge problem with linux, i can't seem to find any way to adjust the bit depth and sample rate of audio output!!!

    Is there a software i need to install for this? And if not, how do i go about figuring this out on LMDE 6 and Linux Mint Edge? Have you made videos on this before? If so, i would love a link to those videos! I need my audio output to be 32bit 96kHz!

    I'm trying to get into Linux, so i'm completely green here! I'm flabbergasted at the fact that Linux seems to have neglected proper audio options! These things are very easy to change in Windows, but with Linux, you apparently have to alter files of which do not exist on LMDE 6! Or maybe i'm just doing something wrong… In any case, a video on this would be greatly appreciated!

  3. Dear Jay, all your series are just awesome! I am so exited to find out such informative content.
    I would like to ask you for a tiny favor. I have watched almost all your linux series and began with ansible – this is because I want to be a DevOps engineer. Hence, could you please guide me to some of reliable course based on very real practical samples so I can master and become at least junior DevOps engineer by next few months. Thank's in advance and Best Regards!

  4. I would love to see a video where you set up Semaphore to use LDAP. Even better if it was Light LDAP. Full disclosure, I was not able to get it to work myself, but I do not understand LDAP all that well.

    In fact, a video on Light LDAP would be awesome. Super easy way to have unified authentication in the homelab. A video on OpenLDAP might be useful too.

    Something else, could you do an addendum to this video for deploying Semaphore with docker, also using local playbooks instead of GitHub repos?

  5. I love the videos like this but I also think it would be helpful to follow up these videos securing and hardening the solution. as an example is parts of the DB that should be encrypted and so on.

  6. Jay: "Hmmmm, what's that you're doing this weekend? Ooooh, I got you!"

    Me: "Alright, I told myself I'd figure out the Ansible front end this weekend. The guys are still struggling with the CLI and I need to turn this project over. I'll try Semaphore again, but first, what's going on with Youtube toda….. SON OF A…."

    As always, Thank you Jay!

  7. Hi Jay:

    The tutorial is amazing, I think also would be as convenient if not more using Caddy as automatically configure the SSL Certificate without need certbot.
    Great Job Jay!

  8. I absolutely love your video style. No obnoxious loud intro music. Video transitions are nice, bespoke, and clear. The terminal and browser windows are framed appropriately so you can actually see what you're doing. You don't place your face in a square covering up 15% of the screen (sometimes important information). Your speech is clear, quick, concise, but also thorough; you don't skip over any details or make any assumptions about what your viewer knows.

    Please tell me which puts the most money in your pocket: Pateron, YouTube membership, or merch. I definitely want to support this kind of content creation.

    P.S. I would LOVE to see a video on how you capture / edit your videos. Your style is one I aspire to, but am not close to matching. I usually just zoom in on my terminals so the text is more visible, but I like your giant terminal in the middle better. If I can figure it out, I'm totally going to use that in my videos.

  9. Interesting thought… You tell semaphore where the config file is… presumably that goes into the config file? Or is the config file location stored in another config file?

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