
DITCHED Pi-Hole for AdGuard – Block ALL the Ads!

DITCHED Pi-Hole for AdGuard – Block ALL the Ads!

#DITCHED #PiHole #AdGuard #Block #Ads


Today, we’re setting up our own AdGuard DNS Ad-blocking server! With Proxmox helper scripts it couldn’t be easier!

AdGuard Home:
Helper Scripts:
AdGuard Docs:…



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  1. So, as for my reasonings, it's subjective, but in my opinion just has a sleeker UI. There are some benefits to it such as being written in Go over PHP and it has DNS Rewrite that supports wildcards. Many of the features and functionality between Pi-Hole and AdGuard are identical. If you're installing something like this for the first time, try both and find the one that works for you.

  2. There seem to be a lot of commenters here confusing Adguard Home with Adguard DNS. This is a github project and I quote "Free and open source, powerful network-wide ads & trackers blocking DNS server." Been using it for over a year, and for me it's a fast trouble free solution that when properly tweaked works incredibly well at protecting the entire network.

  3. With all respect to the author but I personally do not try to use any russian software at all. Especially taking into consideration that – " Russian company, with Russian engineers, the majority of AdGuard developers and other employees working from Moscow, registered in Cyprus."
    What is the next, Kaspersky antivirus solution?

  4. Great video, although as a new Proxmox user I am finding a lot of how-to's where they use this helper scripts which are pretty good and all but they actually teach you very little. Have you consider maybe doing 2 segments, one with scripts and one from the ground up?

  5. False, it won't block all ads. In fact, your browser addon will block way more ads (such as YouTube's) AND make it easier to whitelist stuff.
    Also, AdGuard and PiHole are pretty much the same thing – primitive DNS filters.

  6. Man. I have been saying yesterday to one of my friends that I wanted to utilize my old Mele Quieter 3Q mini PC as a Proxmox Server witha Pihole and media (Photo and Music) server…. and Voila… You came out with a video..n Now I'm twisted between a Pihole and Adguard… Great job. Maybe you can advise what can be used as a photo and music server??

  7. AdGuard is a SCAM. They allow (or should I say extort) advertisers and allow advertisers to "pay" AdGuard for the "privilege" of not being filtered by their software. I'd much rather stick with open source software that is transparent, able to be monitored by the community, and block anything and everything we choose to based on the lists we wish to inject into Pi-Hole. AdGuard merely sets themselves up as a profit generating middleman between you and the advertiser.

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