
HomeLab is a Marathon, not a Sprint, Forward Compatible Releases,

HomeLab is a Marathon, not a Sprint, Forward Compatible Releases, Traefik 3 is Here, 2024-05-04

#HomeLab #Marathon #Sprint #Compatible #Releases

“Techno Tim Talks”

So many great topics today! We talked about why you should make all your changes forward compatible so you don’t break your API contract, lots of questions about traefik and what it’s all about, and then there are some who are realizing that HomeLab as a hobby is pretty expensive and Why I…



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  1. 2:35 You went to all the effort of migrating your self hosted services and home lab to your HA cluster with HA Kubernetes and now you're missing the "dark ages" of vertical scaling? 😲 Who are you and what did do to Tim? 🤔

  2. Tim, another great stream as always. I learned a few things in the stream so always a great experience! Your new channel: I feel you should always "lead in" with your brand, "Techno Tim xxxx." So perhaps, "Techno Tim Tutorials" would work. Descriptive, to the point, and everyone knows whose channel it is. I know–everything pretty much you do is a tutorial. But if you're going to "dive deeper," then "tutorial" might work best.
    I'm trying to get into that past post from last week getting Cloudflare working with Traefik etc. on my (main) Internet connection. I'll get it RSN and might even be able to set it up to load balance on my 2nd ISP. It's both nice and a curse having more than one ISP in my home datacenter.

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