
How to Configure OpnSense – vLAN, VPN, Port Forward, Firewall

How to Configure OpnSense – vLAN, VPN, Port Forward, Firewall Rules, WireGuard, DHCP… – Part 2

#Configure #OpnSense #vLAN #VPN #Port #Firewall

“Jim’s Garage”

With OpnSense deployed in part 1, part 2 shows how to configure many essential parts of the firewall including Static IPs, Services, Networks, vLAN, Firewall Rules, DHCP, DDNS, VPN, WireGuard, NordVPN, Traffic Inspect, and Backup & Restore.

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  1. Nice vid Jim. What would be interesting is if you could take the existing Terraform Providers, convert what you did manually (pressing/toggling buttons and configuring using typed in values), and convert it to follow standard IaC principles. While I do appreciate the amount of content you provided, I sat here reading through what the public Terraform providers for Opnsense provided and honestly, it'd be easier to take the entire manual config, set values in a .tf file, and just apply to an Opnsense deployment within seconds. It'd also be a template all your viewers could use to configure their labs with whatever values they'd like to use.

  2. Would you be able to cover solutions for folks like me that can't bridge their router or put it into modem only mode? I was going to DMZ from the router to OPNSense of SophosXG but I'm not sure how safe that is. Thanks!

  3. hey, Jim.. Could you tell me? The fact is that there are restrictions on the Tail scale side, I can't download from their website and update the application both on Windows and on other devices.For example, an openwrt router.
    But everything works fine on the installed devices. What would you do if you need to put a package on the openwrt router, but according to the instructions from the site it will not work?

    The first option that I think is to give to the vpn router, and thus circumvent the restrictions. The second option, as I think, is to do it via the offline method, download the package and manually install it. Could you tell me more about it and show me? I do not know how to connect a vpn router to openwrt. And how to download the package from the website, copy it to the router and install it through the console?

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