
iGPU Transcoding In Proxmox with Jellyfin Media Center!

iGPU Transcoding In Proxmox with Jellyfin Media Center!

#iGPU #Transcoding #Proxmox #Jellyfin #Media #Center

“Novaspirit Tech”

Take advantage of the internal GPU to transcode your videos for streaming with jellyfin inside proxmox container!

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  1. am i correct saying that the description does not have the link you mentioned for scripts the github one? o could not find any github links in description . if so please add the same as it might be helpfuel to us. thank you.

  2. Really like the videos! Can you show an example of LXC containers gaining access to VM storage. I want to set something like this up, but would like to use a TrueNas VM for my NAS portion of things. Keep up the good work!

  3. Hello Novaspirit, thank you for the detailed good video. This is pretty much what I did for trying out iGPU transcoding in PVE and is what I would recommend to new users. Here are some tips I get from my experience:
    – it is important to configure the transcode directory (where jellyfin put the transcoded files) properly, in your video the jelyyfin container was only given 8GB and that is insufficient for transcoding, once the ct folder gets full due to transcode, the playback will fail until you delete the files in the transcode folder. You can use mount point from host, additional drives, zfs pool etc.. as long as its writable by jellyfin and large enough. Just need to configure it under the Playback -> transcode path.
    – you can also use mount point to mount any directory from your PVE host, eg. when you attach an external hard drive so you can use any media you already collected prior, if the drive is used for Windows, you might need to install ntfs-3g and mount it in the host /etc/fstab
    – since I followed the official documentation from jellyfin to install, not the script, I find it useful to install sudo even though I'm root in the LXC, that makes copying commands and configuration from jellyfin a little bit easier

  4. Thank you for the Great video. One question, in the video you show that clicking on 'Console' will start the shell for jellyfin CT. Can you give some instructions on how to get to the shell in proxmox 8.1.3 version. I could not get the shell loaded. Again, thanks.

  5. I’ve got jellyfin etc. running as docker containers in a single Ubuntu VM. What’s the advantage of using LXC containers for each individual service?

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