
Install This Dashboard on Your Homelab now!

Install This Dashboard on Your Homelab now!

#Install #Dashboard #Homelab

“Novaspirit Tech”

Homepage is a modern, fully static, fast, highly customizable application dashboard with integrations for over 100 services and translations into multiple languages. Easily configured via YAML files or through docker label discovery.

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  1. Yes I love homepage…. The only problem I have with it is its name….. it makes it so hard to find references online for it and see what other people are doing with it

  2. How did you manage to get calendar working? I tried multiple times with widgets and services file with no luck. As there goes for plain text credentials you can point them outside to .env file.

  3. maybe i will give it a try one day, i like the widget service.

    do you guy have a dashoboard for local service and a dashboard for online service ?

    for example in my case, i use :
    Dashy has all the link for local access
    homarr has all the link for online access (using cloudflared tunnel)
    flame (from local and online for apps that i dev and selfhost)

    in homarr we can set 2 url but when we click on the icon only url work

  4. Definitely the best dashboard I’ve tried. I had the pihole widget working last night. But as I’ve added more services, like proxmox and arr suite, I’ve been getting a lot of api issues such as “JSON parsing errors”. Not sure if I’m missing something simple. I also tried Techno Tim’s method of using the .env file for all the secrets.

    Edit: solved the pihole widget issue. Write the url as http://192…. Without /admin on the end.

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