
Meet – Network Boot Any Operating System

Meet – Network Boot Any Operating System

#Meet #Network #Boot #Operating #System

“Techno Tim”

Imagine all of your favorite operating systems in one place, available anywhere on your network, and you’ll never need to use your flash drive again. That’s the promise of, a network boot service that lets you install or boot to any operating system simply by booting to the…



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  1. Thank you for the video as always. I've been always wanting to do some sort of PXE boot option within my network but WDS is such a bare. Its always a pleasure noticing that you're into the same sort of ideas as me. Thank you again for your channel. I feel now not alone.

  2. Yeah, Ventoy is already convenient enough for me, personally. This might be useful if I wanted to create a custom ISO of my current Linux install as a backup, and wanted access to it as a sort of server distributed live boot thin client. Might also be useful for a live image of android-x86. Otherwise, uGet and torrents can get all my other ISO's pretty fast. My distros of choice even allow for remastering updates to liveboot images on the fly, with file persistence. MX Linux and AntiX.

  3. Used it at my old job to manage all of the different versions of the custom ISOs that were delivered by the OS team. It worked great! They still use it today as it allows them to quickly debug new versions while keeping the current production version untouched.

  4. I've seen some home servers which load the HDs vertically, and some which load the HDs horizontally. Is one way better then the other which would extend the life of the hard drive?

  5. So, I have no idea what's going on with this project, but I changed the boot.cfg file so that it will pull from my local server instead and it completely ignores this change.

    (I followed your instructions, minus your UniFi DHCP server, to a tee, and still no dice.)

    And according to their Discord and their Github discussions, I'm not the only one facing this issue neither.

  6. Great stuff as always! I really appreciate that you have both the video and blog post linked on your videos, and this one was particularly timely for a project I'm doing

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