
Proxmox Done Fast – Simple Backups

Proxmox Done Fast – Simple Backups

#Proxmox #Fast #Simple #Backups

“SysAdmin Sean”

Today we scratch the surface of the basic backups system that proxmox provides without having to stand up a backup server.

We will go more in to Proxmox Backup Server in a later video but for now we have a quick and easy way to completely restore a virtual machine or lxc container that runs on…



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  1. Thanks for the video. I'm still early in my Proxmox journey and don't understand the differences in Storage Types like VZdump, vs ISO vs image, etc. Is it a performance thing like a particular file size xfers faster with a particular block size? What happens if I use an ISO type for a VZDump or whatever? Is is like "crossing the streams"? I might RTFM later but your video made me think about. Thanks.

  2. Yep, Proxmox Backup Server FTW. I generally use a CT container and pass through one or more dedicated drives to the PBS CT on each node and then "sync" the entire primary PBS storage to other nodes. This way I can use all my devices for amalgamated VM/CT instances, Ceph/CephFS cluster storage and PBS backups all distributed between however many PVE nodes I might have. I think this is a fine approach for homelabs but in a professional context, separated devices for all 3 service types and separate networking is mandatory.

  3. One thing to note, without proxmox backup server, you are not going to be able to do differential backup. The backups without the backup server will always be full image dumps. No diff.

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