
Proxmox – Passthrough Physics Network NIC to VM like PFsense –

Proxmox – Passthrough Physics Network NIC to VM like PFsense – 1351

#Proxmox #Passthrough #Physics #Network #NIC #PFsense

“My PlayHouse”

In this video I mostly whine about having to use the Shell, to activate IOMMU, that is needed to passthrough the physics network NIC to a VM in Proxmox.

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The reason for trying Proxmox again, is the announcement from Broadcom, that VMWARE…



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  1. It’s very true Proxmox isn’t helping people to migrate from VMWare ecosystems. Everything is becoming complicated very quickly. When you are Linux administrator it’s okay but definitely not an enterprise ready solution to replace VMWare just because the UI can’t do anything advanced.
    I had to use kvm libvirt CLI way too much.
    And IaC integrations are too limited for now.
    It’s ok at home but I would definitely not recommend this at work where we manage thousands of VMs with vCenter API and Terraform and keeping in mind VMWare admin are not Linux CLI expert.

  2. Hmmm, that was a lot of whining… I hope the trauma of using an editor hasn't caused permanent damage. I can pretty much guarantee that that stuff isn't there for security reasons. It likely ships in a most secure configuration so that people who don't change anything as default leave the system vulnerable. PFSense ships the same way, and you need to enable ports and add firewall rules and turn things on for it to do anything.

  3. There is one problem I have observed with my ISP when running opnsense inside proxmox with bridging interfaces. Sometimes the ISP refuse to give me an address when I restart only the opnsense VM but not the host, and the problem clears itself if I unplug and reconnect the network cable. I did not observe this problem with a dedicated box running opnsense with access to hardware nic, so I maybe hitting some weird edge cases between that server and tele2. I should get a nic and try if it solves the problem.

  4. i agree they should make a ui addition to turn on but intel and amd have different names for iommu so its dissabled by default and sometimes you need extra flaggs but ya 100% would be nice to have a little box to click to enable

  5. Can someone explain what performance or security can be improved with passtroght instead of a bridge? The nic is only 1gbps and there is no other device in the bridge other then a router or modem!

  6. that's the reason I like ESXi free more than proxmox. Network-configuration is a lot easier, also hardware-passthrough. There are a some rare issues when you have to use the shell in ESXi (reconnect datastores f.e.), but in proxmox there are much more.
    In my oppinion, linux users are masochists – they like to get beaten by long cryptic shell commandlines. Windows gives me this ability too, but I can chose not to do this and just use the gui. Theres not much progress since early linux-versions.

  7. Great video thanks! Agree with the documentation frustration (prefer steps not read this rabbit holes that lead to multiple documents) – i'm sure its not easy for them, try to cater to the majority and its a pretty awesome product for 0$$! Especially for folks that don't get that advanced and just need to run virtual machines. For my simple world Proxmox has worked fantastically. Thanks again!

  8. Hi Morton, tx for another excellent video. Perhaps ask people to click the like button and subscribe at the beginning of each video, for the algorithm, that way you reach more viewers.

  9. For future live migrations between nodes (if you add them) I think the bridge way is better. I would leave the PCI passthrough for devices that cannot be virtualized as some GPU or analog-digital converter devices.

  10. I have PFsense on Proxmox since 2019 or so, have created a Linux Bridge with the WAN ethernet and the PFsense has 2 virtual interfaces, one in the normal LAN Bridge and one in the WAN. Having a cluster with 3 hosts that all have those 2 bridges I can even live-migrate the PFsense VM if I need to bring the host it is on down. Has been working like a charm,

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