
Running Windows in a Docker Container!

Running Windows in a Docker Container!

#Running #Windows #Docker #Container

“Wolfgang’s Channel”

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  1. Tried to deploy this using a LXC, and it failed with the default method/process.

    I am in the process of getting this to work with LXC containers.

    On the Proxmox host, in the shell/console, type in:

    ls -l /dev/kvm
    There should be two numbers like:
    crw-rw—- 1 root crontab 10, 232 Mar 8 01:02 /dev/kvm

    The "10, 232" is what you will need.

    Edit your <<CTID>>.conf and add the lines:

    lxc.cgroup.devices.allow: c 10:232 rwm
    lxc.mount.entry: /dev/kvm dev/kvm none bind,optional,create=file

    save the changes to the <<CTID>>.conf file, and then you can start the CT.

    I deployed mine via Portainer.

    My stack YAML file looks like this:

    version: "3"
    image: dockurr/windows
    container_name: windows
    VERSION: "win11"
    RAM_SIZE: "8G"
    CPU_CORES: "4"
    – /var/win:/storage
    – /dev/kvm
    – seccomp:unconfined
    – apparmor:unconfined
    – 8006:8006
    – 3389:3389/tcp
    – 3389:3389/udp
    stop_grace_period: 2m
    restart: on-failure

    It is currently downloading the Windows 11 install media, but at least it is able to get this far.

    If you don't pass /dev/kvm from the Proxmox host to the LXC container, then this won't work. The stack will fail to deploy because /dev/kvm is absent (from the LXC container) initially.

  2. I needed 1 year ago Windows for a game. But I didn‘t want to dualboot. So I setup a VM with libvirt and then did a single-gpu-passthrough. I needed a bit to get it working, because I had a Problem, that was really rare, there was only one open thread that you could find and that was on a Proxmox forum. Without the help of a other person, that found that, I might never get it to work. But with the time I didn‘t used the VM anymore and because I really often switch my Linux Distro, I started to not set it up again and nowadays I don’t have a use case for any VM‘s

  3. Woah! This couldn't have come at a better time! I was just looking for a solution to run a DayZ server, a Windows only application, without needing to leave one of our gaming PCs on all the time.

    Now I just need more RAM before I can setup a VM on my Ubuntu server.

  4. Nice!
    I was searching for a way to run a Windows Server in a docker container in a similar way. Yet, i do not need the GUI, except for installing a stupid application programmed with .NET 4.8. After installing, it runs as a windows service which provides a webserver.
    Only for installing and updating, an install GUI is needed.. I have not found a way to silently install.
    Do you think this is possible in a docker container?

  5. I am in uni running fedora, the major problem I have is having to open presentations in libreoffice impress which is so shit. This will makes things so much easier!!! Thank you!!

    Also, does anyone have any other suggestions about how to make the above problem less painful apart from running windows in a browser?

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