
The Companies Are Out to Get You

The Companies Are Out to Get You


“The Linux Cast”

HipDad is in for Tyler today as we talk about the merits of owning your own stuff.


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  1. Trolls are losers. Always ignore them. Then they go back to their caves and cry about themselves. No data cap with my provider. On my Pixel 6 yes, but I use the wifi from my provider, so basically unlimited data.

  2. 10:45 omg I've been having this too! And I thought this was caused by NixOS somehow, but it seems it wasn't! And I have just a laptop, no monitors, so either I'm lucky and Ctrl+Alt+Del works and I get to the lock screen and can login, or I'm out of luck and the only thing I can do is reboot

  3. Hey, can you do a video checking out midnight commander(mc). I have used most gui (thunar, krusader) and tui (lf, ranger) and I have found that midnight commander is better at most things.

  4. Plex and Jellyfin is such a rabbit hole to go down. Friends give me access, and every time I wish they just gave me an ssh account and I could just scp the file to my local machine or browser folders. Too much faff IMO.

  5. I hear you with Gnome. But, I will say, a few months ago I tried vanilla Gnome for about a week. It's not for me. But there is a weird logic to the workflow that does make sense if you don't have any existing habbits. You don't need to minimise Windows as you can always switch to any window via overview, with every window taking more or less the full screen.

    Again, I didn't like it at all, but I could appreciate it – whereas before I despsised it.

  6. DVDand Blu Ray is becoming popular again. If you're thinking about restarting your collection get going now. I work part time at a pawn shop and I noticed the price is creeping up. Right now you can crawl pawn and second hand shops for very cheap movies and CDs. It won't last.

  7. What really started me out with my own home lab was wanting a gigantic NAS on a rack that could keep all my ripped discs on it. I buy physical media and rip it, or I buy a downloadable file. Then it goes on the NAS. I've got Jellyfin set up but usually I'm watching straight from the file in VLC or listening in a music player. I don't subscribe to any streaming services. If somebody won't sell me something I can actually own, they simply don't get my money.

    As the subscription prices keep going up, the streaming services start adding ads to their paid streaming tiers, and the consolidation happens to the streaming market until it's just a handful of monopolies who feel like they can do whatever they want, I expect piracy is going to come back in a big way. When it does, I don't think it will ever go away again. The world has changed. Hard drives are dirt cheap. There's tons of great software for running a NAS or doing self-hosted streaming like through Jellyfin. VPNs have become incredibly commonplace making torrents a lot safer than they were. And since the streaming services provide high quality digital files, pirates aren't going to be getting bad TV rips anymore.

    The barriers to being a pirate have never been lower, and yet the streaming services and Hollywood studios have chosen this moment to make legal media consumption as annoying and expensive as possible as they try to go back to the cable days when they were actually making money. I would also add: Hollywood has chosen this moment to lower the quality of their content dramatically, at almost every studio. The stuff I watch today is pretty much all foreign or decades old. One of the best TV shows I watched last year came from Norway, of all places. The best movie of the year was from Japan. While Hollywood is increasingly opting not to release physical media, the rest of the world still does.

  8. I don't find the entertainment industries put out anything worthwhile to watch or listen to that would require me to pay a subscription to. Raising one standards of what they consume often translates into saving money by not paying for swill.

  9. Long live Torrents and Usenet.
    I have 2 10Tb hard drives in my PC. All for Movies, Music,TV, Retro Games. I just need to work out how to get Jellyfin to work easily outside my home network. That is a pain in the neck to do. Learning docker etc is also awful. Nothing is explained in full.

  10. I have an HDHomerun and a big antenna mounted on my roof. I virtualize TrueNas on my Proxmox server. From the TruNas, I installed Plex. This works well for me.

    Edit: The best part is this cost me around 400 dollars in antenna and HDHomeRun. That was my cost to getting in on watching over the air.

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