
The end is here – VMware by Broadcom

The end is here – VMware by Broadcom

#VMware #Broadcom


It took 546 days for Broadcom to finally acquire #VMware in one of the largest mega-acquisitions in modern tech history. The acquisition has dramatic effects on the virtualization landscape and affects every VMware user out there. This video walks through all of the changes #Broadcom has made…



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  1. Well, the decision to start migrating our infrastructure at work to Nutanix just became crystal clear. 24k VDI desktops, and just about 1000 ESXi Hosts are firmly in the loss category for Broadcom beancounters.

  2. This is yet another sign of a need for governmental legislation in order to guide the U.S. away from end stage capitalism, where private equity simply goes through and tears down everyone else's work for a quick buck, to the detriment of so many.

  3. Linux user here, similar b.s. that IBM/Red Hat has done to open source (Fedora) …or should I say tried to. Don't p*ss off the geeks in open source…

  4. I work in a pre sales side of business. I have seen a surge in "non VMware " options for hosting opportunities by clients. Containerisation can be an answer but most of the enterprises aren't ready to invest such a huge amount to modernize their current technology landscape. Looking at the slump of the economy, most CTO have reduced the IT budget and it will be interesting to see, how VMware fares with such high prices and extreme cost pressure of business.

  5. The things that made VMware great and setup massive communities (VMUG) is dead. Broadcom is a POS company that purchases and guts beloved products for the most money and leaves waste and disappointment behind. I was hoping this would be blocked…. I am a VMUG member in my home lab… But now I'm looking for others. I love VMware. But now it's turned to trash.

  6. Damn yet another product I have invested in for years goes the route of subscription.
    This is sad, I do not do subscription. I refuse to RENT… I will use my paid for products until they stop working.
    Just like Adobe & Microsoft, and a couple low cost apps (like GoodSync that I paid $40 for but now they want $30 a year… go pound sand)
    Also I seem to remember Symantec taking things over and destroying some very good software… Ghost, PGP, PcAnywhere to name a few.

  7. if you are a home lab or small business and are still on VMWare then you probably should of moved awhile ago as there are MUCH better and free options available.

  8. One correction though is that Broadcom didn't strip their earlier acquisitions for parts and throw the rest away. The CA and Symantec products are still selling to this day. And those successful acquisitions are a good sign for VMware.

  9. If you are not afraid of FreeBSD Bhyve with BVCP is a pretty great alt for a home lab. It is light weight and open source. Been using it for a little over a year and I love it.

  10. Docker killed VMware. I can’t think of much I can’t do in docker that I previously used VMs for. Obviously VMs have uses still, but for many less use cases and people

  11. These mergers should not be allowed. Simple as that. The fact that a software solution intended for multiple hardware vendors is now wholey owned by a single hardware vendor when the software was previously agnostic to the specific hardware vendor is nuts.

    This will hurt the efforts of so many hardware companies.

    This is as totally nuts as the splunk / cisco acquisition. So frustrating that people approving these mergers are so blind to the destruction they are sowing.

  12. VMware senior management has wanted to move to a subscription model for more than 10 years but didn't know how to force customers into the transition. They're motivated by the fear that once markets are saturated there will be no more license revenue growth. In addition a subscription model is more predictable making their lives easier. Screwing customers over is how you get paid the big bucks.

  13. Not sorry but lol for not standing up for Net neutrality reap what you sowe for real. Good thing its a commercial product that's enterprise focused, I can still VM at home with well so many options where to start these days. No disrespect but I really don't get why people are bothered especially given it's enterprise space, thought this kind of corporate homogeneity and vertical integration is what everyone wants? Surely the consolidation is a good thing here like for once.

  14. I am not surprised that Broadcom does away with Perpetual licensing in favor of subscription based service, main reason, MONEY. Sole reason as well. What's worse, most likely there won't be a private sector subscription, and if there will it will be ANNUAL subscription displayed as a monthly with the "billed annually" written in small lettering under the monthly shown price. AnyDesk done the same where they switched subscription models and they do not have monthly. Once I asked TeamViewer why they do not offer monthly, the answer I got? "We can not process so large amount of payments" while other services do.

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