
Ubuntu 24.04 Review: Why It’s Time to Change Ubuntu’s Release

Ubuntu 24.04 Review: Why It’s Time to Change Ubuntu’s Release Cycle

#Ubuntu #Review #Time #Change #Ubuntus #Release

“Learn Linux TV”

Ubuntu 24.04 was released recently, and with it comes a brand new LTS release powered by the GNOME 46 desktop. In this video, Jay will give you his thoughts on this release – which leads to an important question: Is Ubuntu’s release cycle showing some signs of pressure? Check out this full…



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  1. Why does everyone feel the need to mention how the devs are not at fault at all whenever someone's talking about how a new software release is buggy and broken? They agreed to the timeline. Makes them at least partially responsible.

  2. The scaling problem is due to gnome, not ubuntu. Actually it is for the x11 session, Ubuntu starts the installer in an X11 session, we all know that x11 and fractional scaling are enemies.

  3. thankfully, i haven't experienced the issues you noted with my 24.04 installs. while i do think they should delay if they need to, i really hope they don't change the release schedule. i like the new stuff in the interim releases

  4. Ok but you are saying that this version is not acceptable because bugs on your specific setup, you should look at more experiences to say that, for me I installed it and it worked perfectly

  5. Came back from Arch and Void to Ubuntu. It's a pleasant surprise how smooth Ubuntu is now. Not using any software store, just one snap (Firmware Updater), flatpak and traditional DEBs. Can't complain at all.

  6. I didn’t face any of the issues you were describing- all smooth and ready to go. I wonder what’s under the hood that made it so complicated for you.

  7. This is precisely the reason why I switched to FreeBSD for (most) of my baremetal servers, if docker is not too important for a deployment I stick with FBSD because of how damn stable the thing is (for usage and updates), I recently updated from 12 to 14 with literally 0 hiccups and updating ubuntu from any old LTS to new LTS always messes up everything up for me, I really wish there was more love for drivers on FBSD land but yeah.. that ain't happening

  8. I’ll have to check out what you were showing. The problem I had was with the installation. The installer crashed three times on me. The last time was after the install started. I checked system monitor and saw the processors were going pretty good so I assumed it was still going. When they flatlined, I rebooted the system. I booted it up fine into 24.04 after I had to choose which grub. It didn’t boot up to the 24.04 grub. I have a multi boot PC. I totally agree with you on the yearly schedule change. Every other year remaining LTS.

  9. Dident have the 4K issue on my Lenovo X1 or Desktop with Intel video. I know you do this for a living, but all the plugs? calm down man.. I come here to see the content, not the content of your wrbshop or training course. Please dont go down the LinusTechtips road

  10. Thanks for the review. I'm sorry about the bugs you encountered, and I hope that the bugs that you mentioned will be ironed out by the time the first point release comes out.

  11. I was looking forward to this release – but fractional scaling for 4K screens is still an issue. At best , I get blurry fonts and, worst case application crashes. After using Mint / Ubunt for at least 8 years, I decided to run another distro with Plasma 6. Works great on 4K monitors.

  12. The scalling bug at 7:11 and locking up the display seems to be an issue with GNOME on X11, it happened to me on the live installer (which uses X11) but not when installed which then uses Wayland

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