
What is Proxmox and Why Should You Use It?

What is Proxmox and Why Should You Use It?


“The Linux Cast”

Today I talk about Proxmox: what it is, why it’s good, and why you should use it.

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  1. i've been working on a proxmox system and love it.

    i had to learn how to use it because i wanted a machine to run a bitcoin node and CasaOS. the bitcoin node implementation was debian-based so i figured casa could run alongside of it with no issues, but they completely broke eachother when i tried to run them side-by-side, both applications just broke eachother.

    i was able to separate the two with a proxmox server and everything is working great. i've also vastly reduced the amount of time i spend fiddling around with hardware because disks can be virtually attached.

    casa has some weird issues detecting storage with the widget, but you can access added storage on an LXC casa implementation in the files.

  2. The best feature of Proxmox is for homelabs, you can cluster multiple Proxmox servers together, create a zfs pool on each node, and setup zfs replication over ssh between them and then have failover, HA, and be able to move virtual machines between nodes at will, all without needing shared/external storage like a SAN.

  3. Just 2 days ago I consolidated an opnsense router and a bunch boxes running services into one machine running proxmox and I'm overwhelmed by it. Your timing is impeccable.

  4. Welcome to the homelab cult.
    Here is my obligatory advice that I can share:
    I don’t use obsidian for notes and stuff. But I will say, using it for taking good notes about your homelab is very important. I got a folder for a bunch of docker compose files that I know work so if I need to change stuff it’s a simple copy paste. Another couple notes for different nodes in my setup. And a few more for just annoying junk like setting up macvlans through portainer or some good info like what ports are open and what are some attack vectors for my services. Happy homelabing!

  5. The most important thing to remember that at its core – proxmox is just a Debian system with a WebUI that consolidates and uses QEMU/KVM for Virtualization – and uses LXC for Containerization.

    For the display, Proxmox uses QEMU and passthrough the display to a VNC server + using NoVNC and Websockify for the web/browser VNC display

    So knowing this, you can use the console and manage LXC and qemu directly if thats better

  6. The other neat thing about Linux containers is that they have persistent storage. When you power down a Linux container, it will start where it left off. Unlike Docker.

  7. Linux containers will be your best friend if you have limited resources. Multiple SSDs or M.2s will significantly help with speed. Running containers and virtual machines on two drives is much faster than running them all on one.

  8. Proxmox == Poor man's vSphere.

    One distinction that should be made is that the term "containers" when talking about Proxmox refers to Linux Containers (LXC) not Docker/Podman (OCI) containers. It's the difference of virtualizing the OS with a shared kernel between the LXC containers vs the application itself is containerized. When it comes to system resources, in order of greatest to least amount, VMs > LXC containers > Docker/OCI containers.

  9. β€œI’m not an expert.”

    Then man proceeds to break down everything in the simplest way possible. You’re an expert at teaching.

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