
I Lost All My Appdata Due to a Reckless Mistake !!

I Lost All My Appdata Due to a Reckless Mistake !!

#Lost #Appdata #Due #Reckless #Mistake

“Spaceinvader One”

So I recklessly had all my appdata on a ZFS Raid 0 pool. No redundancy then found out I didnt have a recent backup. So join me on my journey of trying to recover from this disaster !

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  1. Well this video made me discover my appdata backup hasn't been running for almost 3 months (I missed that the plugin had been deprecated), so thanks for the reminder to check!

  2. Not what I expected you to look like! 🙂 I wasn’t expecting a big burly dude with a beard. Your videos are pure gold, they’ve helped me use my unraid so much more efficiently. I went back and looked and I bought my Pro license and built first server in 2011!

  3. Do you think that mirroring or a parity disk has rescued the data resp. reverted your pool? I am afraid something happened here, even with a parity the pool would be death. My main pool is consisting of 4 x 8TB U.2 Z0 pool, since I didn't wanted to loose the additional expensive space. All my data is being synchronized with a qnap nas immediately, so that I would loose in such case only the data in RAM. I must mention that I needed to close the system in the past also by switching off which should be very similar to your case because the array did not wanted stop or similar problems in the past but I have never loose my pool. Otherwise I would change immediately to a normal Z pool with one parity.

  4. I know this is a stupid and useless comment, but I always figured you were 30 years older based on your voice in the other videos. 😀
    Thanks for all your videos, helped me a bunch.

  5. I am planning an all SSD UnRaid Server build. I am concerned about the SSD TRIM. I believe that the UnRaid array does not support TRIM, only the ZFS pools do. Does UnRaid play well with 9207-8i SAS HBA drivers? If not, what controller card would you recommend?

  6. Hi! What do you think about using BTRFS as a main array with parity ? Is it enough reliable to save there all data ? I would like to have rebuild flexibility and checksums …. so ZFS won't give me this flexibility.

  7. This happened to me a few days ago after a power outage. What worked for me was stopping the array, unassign my cache pool devices, start the array without the cache pool devices, stop the array, assign the cache pool devices and start the array.

  8. UnRaid freezes every time I try to install it, I can not get this thing working 😢, Asus Z9PA-D8 motherboard, I have tried 5 different USB flash drives, even tried to set up the USB the manual away with no luck. I can get to the install menu. I tried all four options with no success. I would really appreciate any help. Thank you in advance.

  9. This is one of my greatest fears. Have you done a video about backing up appdata and other critical data? What's your recommendations? I recently built a second unraid server and setup a dedicated 4TB pool for backing up critical data but haven't setup the actual backups yet, hoping I can run something like once a week in case I do something stupid like this lol.

  10. Great video, really useful as always! I would love to see you do an Immich tutorial. I already have it up and running but spreading the word is definitely good. For those who don't know, it's a very fast Google Photos replacement under very active devolpement and IMO is better than Photoprism. Look into it!

    The only thing I would add to this video is running the rsync command with a -n flag first (-avhn). As I'm sure you know, triggers a dry run of all the files/folders that will be copied so you can sanity check which files will be copied where without actually doing it first. It's only takes a few seconds and will list everything out in a human readable format and if you are happy with what you see you can drop the -n and copy for real as you did.

    I can't tell you how many times I forgot the trailing slash on the source directory and what should've been a copy of a few missing files would've copied the entire contents of all the folders because the folder structure comparison was off by one level. Luckily the -n saves me every time!

  11. Hope you will do some kind of migration tutorial for dummys when 6.12. launches, I know you have done some videos on the plugins that supported unraid or how you did a setup with true/freenas. But migrating from scratch would be nice like how to set up the pools when you have ssds or hard drives and how you would handle caching – would you still use the brtfs stuff?

  12. Great vid!… maybe there is a possibility to show, how to easily create an appdata backup without using plugins etc for an easy recovery? Would be great!
    I've leard so much about unraid on this Channel… cheers

  13. Great video,
    Always better to learn from other people’s mistakes, makes you realize the importance of backups. A natural continuity from this video would be part 2 of Making an Auto Backup / Failover Server.
    Thanks for sharing all of this with us

  14. Just a perfect reminder for me to get myself another Mwme and put that cache in a RAID 1 configuration. Do have CA Backup setup, but it's mostly something you setup once and rarely check again if everything is still working properly after the initial check.

  15. Apologies if you've done a video on, but I would be interested to hear your thoughts on self-hosting bitwarden. I jumped into doing it, but I've seen some post about how it's not really the most secure way to handle that data and been considering handing my bitwarden vault over to the proper service.

  16. This type of content solidifies why you are one of my favorite youtube channels. Not only are your tutorials EXTREMELY well done and helpful, but you show stuff like this, and I appreciate it so much! As someone who only recently got into unraid, I've obviously had a fair share of mishaps, and I truly appreciate you showing this content. Keep up the great work!!

  17. Failure is not an option – it's a necessity! and this video shows you why. When everything is running OK then complacency creeps in, and important tasks get downgraded to ' I'll do it later' status. then when the do-do hits the fan there's a mad scramble to fix things and this is where the real learning starts. it shows that backups must be done religiously, changes should be planned procedures with built in contingency options and preventative actions should be performed as the requirement occurs. If done properly, the errors are minimised, time is not lost and the really hard lessons are avoided. Spaceinvader One rightly shows where he went wrong and informs everyone the lessons learnt. As William Gibson once said 'you only really only know how things work, is when they start to fall apart'.

  18. Thank you for another very informative video! It's prompted me to install the latest appdata backup/restore v2.5. When I initially set everything up I followed your tutorials but perhaps things have changed since then (especially with zfs). Do you have a video about converting xfs to zfs and/or is it worth it (especially for cache pool devices)?

  19. I would love to know what you do about the missing month of bitwarden data. did you lose new/changed passwords, or did you export all your passwords from the client before bringing the container up? etc.

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