
Overview ZFS for Unraid (Create, Expand and Repair ZFS

Overview ZFS for Unraid (Create, Expand and Repair ZFS Pool on Unraid)

#Overview #ZFS #Unraid #Create #Expand #Repair #ZFS




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  1. Is there a simple way to import an already existing ZFS pool (spesificly from TrueNas) into Unraid? I remember trying to do this when I switched to Unraid and that was when ZFS was a plugin and it was super confusing and never got it to work.

  2. Im curious, is it possible to have both a ZFS pool and an XFS array on the same machine, or does it have to be either one or the other? Plan is to use XFS for my media and the ZFS pool for the more important stuff.

  3. Do I understand correctly that in your example, in a pool of 10 disks, there is not a real raidz2, because if disk 7 and 8 fail, then the data cannot be recovered?

  4. Is there any way to see what commands unraid is running when you do something? I'm confused why creating and formatting a pool are 2 separate operations when zpool create does all that in one step.

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