
Spaceinvader Ones Unraid Features 2023 Christmas

Spaceinvader Ones Unraid Features 2023 Christmas Wishlist

#Spaceinvader #Unraid #Features #Christmas

“Spaceinvader One”

Checkout my Unraid Features Christmas Wishlist 2023. Things I would be happy to see in the OS in the future

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  1. FINALLY some else then me is using the n100m successfully. I love this little thing together with an AS1166 and 5hdd/1nvme cache in a define 7.

    enjoy your holidays, good Sir.

  2. I'd love if they implemented Ceph. Not for your storage pools but if you had all important things that you absolutely needed and a drive died, or even a pool died you could still continue on. It might be slower but you have no downtime

  3. @5:50 The other reason would be, that it would be great to have a central place where you could set your containers and VMs to. So you set unraid to ntp (ptp would be better) and have all your VMS/containers sync to that locally.

  4. They can also add the option to Unraid to stop complaining about deprecated plug-ins when you go to the Apps tab. I bloody hate that flashing wanker. Also, I'd love the ability to remove that useless "My Servers" plug-in pumpkin in the corner. If I wanted my server control dashboard to be hosted by Amazon, I'd just buy storage with some cloud provider. I don't trust it.

    Merry Christmas πŸŽ„

  5. Happy Christmas Ed πŸ™‚ πŸŽ„
    I'm only three minutes in and already deeply appreciative that my wife stopped wrapping everything in pink ribbon a while back. Mind you, you clash beautifully! πŸ™‚

  6. Not sure if you are familiar with tTrueNAS but Im building a TrueNAS server it will have 8 spinning disk in a raidz2. I want that to be my main storage for plex media. I want to have faster storage for everything else (family photos/videos, documents, etc). I also want to buy a Flex 10 GbE for the TrueNAS, TrueNAS backup, and my computer. My question is do I go with four 2TB SSDs in a raid10 or two 4TB NVME drives in a mirror? If the is a waste do I save some more and do four 4TB NVMEs in a raid10?

  7. Your videos are literally why I bought unraid (over TrueNAS) and even have a functioning server πŸ˜‚πŸ˜… If I didnt have your videos I would be COMPLETELY LOST. Merry Christmas man!

  8. I know it’s not what unraid is intended for but I would love to see a server to server backup feature. Paired with a server to server WireGuard tunnel (that we already have) I think it would be nice to have off site redundancy for important files.

  9. I know you wanted the links to be moved on the shares tab last year and they were moved. I wish they would swap the links to the share properties and the share. I consistently click the wrong link and open properties.

  10. I want mover to move files based on file size. For example, if a file is 10 megabytes or less, keep it in cache, otherwise move it to the array. And I want the mover to check all the files on the array and all the files in cache to make sure they're correctly placed based on their size. The threshold size obviously needs to be adjustable.

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