
Unraid 6.12: Review, Tips & Tricks | What We Learned

Unraid 6.12: Review, Tips & Tricks | What We Learned

#Unraid #Review #Tips #Tricks #Learned


Dive into the power of Unraid 6.12 with our comprehensive review and uncover valuable tips and tricks we’ve learned over the past three months with our New Unraid Beast. Learn how to optimize your setup and make the most of Unraid’s features. Your ultimate system awaits! ๐Ÿš€ #Unraid612…



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  1. is it true that Unraid is slower than TrueNas due to the way it handles disks? I'm about to configure my first server and want to use unraid but still I'm informing about pros and cons to have a better configuration and performance for my NAS. Thanks great videos

  2. How did you correct your media configuration? I believe I am dealing with the same problem. Media disk1 is full and its not automatically moving files to the disk2. Now it just holds the files on the cache drive and fills that up. Invoking mover does not move the files either. I am having to use unBALANCE to move the files to the second drive. Not sure where this went wrong because it used to work just fine. Surely my config is messed up but cant figure out how to correct it.

  3. Any reason to not have the appdata set to: cache <– array ๐Ÿค”

    I was thinking just in case an app, like nzbget, goes crazy and takes up the emtire SSD, it has the array to fail back on. ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘Ž

    I do happen to have a pair of retired 2TB enterprise SSDs in a raidz1 for the docker. ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿปโ€โ™‚๏ธ Never know.

  4. I made the switch from running Tailscale as a docker service to using the EDACerton Tailscale plugin — super helpful in that the server is no longer relying on docker being up and running in order to access it across the Tailscale network. Highly recommend!

  5. Good to have you back! This video is great timing and keen for the next one. About to start from scratch again with my Unraid as i've just accumulated too many issues with my config over the years as i've learnt. Will be good to have a fresh start and as you said, KISS. Oh, and any changes required for cloud flare etc. with the new setup or is the same as previous tutorial?

  6. Have been looking to upgrade my DS918+ as its getting on and my drives are filling up. Was thinking the smaller version of what you have actually the 12 bay RM22-312 2U. I just setup up Unraid for the first time on my old gaming PC Intel 2700k 16GB Ram and some old drives with known faults just to have a play around and try and get used to it as I know nothing about Linux before I lash out and spend the $ on some new drives and hardware. I'm now pretty sure you have sealed the deal for me with your build video and this one in running a Unraid server and use the old DS 918+ as a backup unit.

    I will be using it for Docker Pihole, Plex local/remote connections when I am away & also family photos. Would you suggest ZFS/XFS/Btrfs for my family photos as the safest file system and backup to my DS 918+ which is btrfs in a raid 1 atm.

    Cheers for all the great informative videos man, Appreciate them as I'm new to Linux/Unraid – Aussie, Aussie, Aussie.

  7. Could you make a guide about changing the appdata location to mnt/cache? Perhaps a shorts video.
    was running MariaDB with a Nextcloud instance and couldn't understand why the MariaDB crashed every time after reboot, turned out it wiped the data in the mnt/cache – pretty annoying

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