
UNRAID Pricing Shakeup: NEW Licenses Explained + ZFS

UNRAID Pricing Shakeup: NEW Licenses Explained + ZFS Speedtests

#UNRAID #Pricing #Shakeup #Licenses #Explained #ZFS

“digiblur DIY”

Breaking Down the New Unraid OS License Tiers: Starter, Unleashed & Lifetime Explained –
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  1. I find Proxmox with minimal cloud linux distro VMs to host services and Truenas for hosting content to serve to VMs/users to be best for me. My cousin, who is much more technical, got Unraid and loves it. I love Proxmox because it is based on Debian, so knowledge gained from Proxmox helps me in my Debian usage and vice versa. I really wished I jumped on that unraid coupon deal a few months back for China. I would have paid that to have Unraid in my toolbox, but as it stands now and when these changes go live, Proxmox, XC-png and Truenas seem like increasing appealing options for people dipping into self-hosting.

  2. zfs compression=on is lz4 compression, you should not see any measurable cpu impact from using this, if you want nicer compression and keep it reasonably fast, zstd, but not useful for already compressed files like movies/music

  3. This feels like a misstep to me. Anytime you move toward a subscription after establishing a business model without it previously, the company harms their brand. It shows that the company, is willing to break the trust they have created with their user-base in the pursuit of profit.

    Especially when their main competitors software is absolutely free. I wanted unraid, but hearing this, I will go with TrueNAS Scale

  4. I'm an avid selfhoster and I've covered my reasoning on why you shouldn't choose it, but just to recap my video: You are booting from USB and turning a perfectly good USB stick into DRM'd garbage… why? Want to use mixed drive sizes… snapraid and mergerfs. At least that way you know how it works instead of whatever shenanigans UnRAID is doing to accomplish it. In my opinion, OMV is best for selfhosters, it's easy enough for beginners but it stays out of the way for the most part and allows you the freedom to work right with debian for advanced users. TrueNAS Scale if you are primarily concerned with storage needs and you have the RAM for ZFS. Proxmox if you have server grade hardware or otherwise strong system resources. But I would never even consider UnRAID… it offers nothing over OMV and other alternatives, and the USB DRM is asinine in my opinion. Not to mention, why pay for licensing when there are much better OSS alternatives?

  5. I am wondering why would one go for Unraid and pay rather than go for either TrueNAS or – if guru – Debian + Cockpit + Webmin (+ Proxmox if needed)
    But ok, freedom is here 😉

  6. Thanks Travis, I don’t mind paying, it’s just not clear to me why would I switch from proxmox machine running my pfsense, opnsense, home assistant, jellyfin, media vault and few other play machines!
    Am I missing something?

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