
UNRAID vs. TrueNAS – The Ultimate ZFS Pool Performance

UNRAID vs. TrueNAS – The Ultimate ZFS Pool Performance Showdown at 40Gbit!

#UNRAID #TrueNAS #Ultimate #ZFS #Pool #Performance

“Digital Spaceport”

High performance #NAS battle on deck as we put #unraid against #truenas follow-up ZFS comparison. We create RAID 0 arrays with Intel Optane NVMe and traditional hard drives and push the boundaries of network share performance. With our 40Gbit network connection,…



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  1. Unraid is an amazing solution for a home server thanks to its scalability, since you don't have to buy lots of drives at the beginning like you have to with ZFS. Imagine buying 6 10TB drives filling them to 50% after 3 years. It means you are using drives and degrading them even when you are not using the space on them. With Unraid, you can expand at any time by adding drives one by one. And now you can create ZFS pools too if you really want.

  2. ‘And’ – the 5th most common word in the English language. Following ‘the’, ‘be’, ‘to’ and ‘of’.

    Not the case in this video however, where nearly every sentence starts with ‘and’! 😀

    Some interesting stats:
    75 ‘and’s in total, in a little over 16 minutes. That’s an average of 1 ‘and’ every 12 seconds, or 4.69 ‘and’s per minute or about every 5th word.

    And that’s just a lot of ‘and’s 😀 And it’s annoying to listen to. And if you think about it, you don’t naturally speak this way. And if you write a script and stick to it, you CAN make a good video that isn’t annoying to watch.

    And I’m sure you understand by now 😉

  3. Unraid array is slow. I am really dumbfounded by the slow ZFS pool. I just did some testing and I got what I expected from 7SSDs. going to have to look into this more now. Thanks For the video

  4. From my experience Unraid zfs has sync by default on and TrueNAS by default off (async) use "zfs set sync=disabled poolname" and you get the TrueNAS transfers "speed" or very close 🙂

  5. Unraid tho you have the cost factor. Unraid no doubt is plug and play as far as grouping drives and getting going but you have to pay for that privillage. TrueNas is free and tho the UI etc. is more akward IT'S FREE. Major downside for TrueNas tho atleast in my case is i have Marvell ACQ107 10Gbe network cards and tho it recognises them the speeds are not consistant and usually on the low side.

  6. I would like to know, how often happens that a disk fails according to the experience of the community, so that a raid 0 would fail. According to my experience I had since 30 years only one HDD which failed and that was not in a raid. Therefore, I am using in my unraid home server 4 x 8TB U.2 NVme in raid 0, honestly not because of the speed, rather than because of the space. But I must mention, that all of my data in unraid is being synchronized immediately with a qnap nas and daily backups are being made on a second qnap NAS since many years in order that I dont lose data (only the data in ram will be lost in worst case). The con is in such setup, to rebuild up all the pools and data again, which will take a lot of effort. I wanted just mention, if you secure your data accordingly, you dont really need to avaoid a raid 0 in a home lab environment.

  7. It’s Fuse. You can confirm by comparing write speeds to a single disk share vs. a user share (basically with and without Fuse in the equation). I know that won’t help in this example, but you’d be surprised of the speed difference if you try it. I still stick with Unraid though just for the overall feature set. It performs well enough for me, and ZFS is a welcome improvement over BTRFS.

  8. I am planning an all SSD Unraid server with LSI 9207-8i SAS HBA. Does UnRaid ZFS support Auto-TRIM? I've heard that LSI drivers are a hit or miss with UnRaid… What controller would you recommend for an all SSD server?

  9. Check if the network mtu is the same with the rest of your network because i saw for whatever reason your unraid had 9000 mtu on it's network card. check if 1500 mtu on your unraid resolves your issue.

  10. truenas Scale should also take a place here. But dude you cant compare proxmox to truenas. Proxmox is a VM solution and truenas is a storage solution with vm capability. But as I am using freenas/truenas over a decade now I will not change at all.

  11. I use a RAID0 array on my primary PC for some game installs via Steam, but yeah, I'd never use it in my NAS. RAIDz1 is the perfect price to security sweet spot for my use case.

  12. To get the best performance over SMB, you need to configure multi channel. Not just enable it, but actually get both the Windows and TrueNAS side configured to use multiple connections.

    That pool should be able to push even harder.

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