
Unraid’s New Pricing; Nintendo Switch 2 Delayed; Wyze

Unraid’s New Pricing; Nintendo Switch 2 Delayed; Wyze Camera Breach – Talking Heads Ep.322

#Unraids #Pricing #Nintendo #Switch #Delayed #Wyze

“Craft Computing”

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  1. I have 4 x UnRAID Pro licenses currently and really like it.

    That being said I have been exploring Debian using Cockpit and the 45Drives ZFS, File Sharing, Navigator, and Identities modules. Using znapzend for ZFS snapshots seems to work very well too. Since I've moved from using UnRAID for everything (VM's, Docker, etc) to using it as just a NAS now that I'm using Proxmox for VM's, LXC's, and Docker (in a VM) I'm thinking of moving over to it or at least building a physical test server.

    I've tried to use FreeNAS/TrueNAS several times and actually have a physical machine that I run it on to test, however, I still just don't like it.

  2. 1:21:53 afaik most server/Epyc stuff is using signed BIOS images so you can't do bios mods like that. I have no idea how this is handled for bios settings (if it's even stored in the flash). Heck even businness laptops and workstations have signed BIOS so you can't bios mod those either

  3. Ridge is kicking themselves right now, the idea of etching a funny error message on a "metal minimal wallet" gives you a fierce edge over any other "metal minimal wallet" company, be it Ridge or the 142322 zillion clone makers

  4. Here is my Homest review.
    This podcast ends up the backburner for a variety of reasons. 1. You occasionally go on a rant or topic and start using foul language. This severely limits when and where I can listen/watch. 2. The pre-show needs to be trimmed from the VOD. The Alcohol talk goes on far too long and also slightly limits when and where I can watch/listen. For these reasons, I can't subscribe or join Patreon for your content. Just YT Premium money.

    Level 1, Tom Lawrence and others manage to do just fine without foul language which us why they get much more play and support.

    Regarding your talk about Float Plane and the Linus affiliated stuff. I watched LTT fir a while (maybe a year ir so) and cane to the conclusion that Linus and Company are Assholes. Good at distilling marketing fluff and building hype but completely daft when it comes to details. They have consistently gotten important info completely wrong so I actively avoid their content.

  5. I having been a Community Manager for a Linux Expo, it's amazing to see that if you ask for $5 T-Shirt to help support the org, they will pass for the free vendor T-Shirt. I get it. When you try to explain how costly events costs, how much we were eating so we could provide it for free. You would think we were talking Russian to them. So, good luck. Oh, as a 56 year old, whose 5' 8", my 12 years old scaring the crap of of me because she already 5' 3", her 19 years old brother is 5 '11", she going to be tall. My granddad was 6"8" and his brother was 7' 1", so I am hoping she level off at 6'. I get it.

  6. As a German, I had to giggle a lot in the first 10 minutes because none of the pronunciations of Hefe (=yeast) were really correct 😁 And damn, if only I had known in 2017 that pFriem Brewery was just a few miles from Biggs Junction, I would have taken a little detour on my way to Yakima/Canada.

  7. i thinks its so important to explain why something is that way to a kid. my parents did alot of "because i said so" and while that did make me curious i think having that mutual respect is very important. but im not a parent so i have no real say

  8. About the Wyze story this actually happened before… about 6 months ago. They also were a bit quiet about it by at first saying only 14 customers were affected, then 3 days later sending out the emails and not everyone got one (I got mine today) 13,000 is what there publishing but with the 14 number at first it’s kinda concerning especially considering the same thing happening. Theres a lot more info on there reddit…. Again better then finding out this 6 months to a year later but the fact they fumbled twice in 6 months is kinda insane

  9. Not trying to be rude, and i do realize that the channel name is craft computing… But having 20+ minutes of beer talk right at the start is not entertaining for anyone who doesn't drink. Otherwise love the channel. Maybe save the beer talk for the end?

    TrueNAS is awesome! Idk why you would pay for unraid… Seems like a really hard sell. Why don't they just make it free for the 4 drive and then charge for bigger versions and support.

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