
What If Anakin Skywalker Rejected Padme Amidala

What If Anakin Skywalker Rejected Padme Amidala

#Anakin #Skywalker #Rejected #Padme #Amidala

“Pente Patrol Star Wars”

Anakin Skywalker and Padme fell in love on Naboo, so what if instead of chasing his emotions Anakin rejected a relationship with Padme? How would he handle the idea of moving on from Padme? What would Padme do as a result of this rejection? Would the two of them remain friendly or would they…



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  1. What if Anikan had a healthy attachment to padme and instead of secretly marrying her they stayed friends during the clone wars with Anikan saying he would leave the order after the war to be with her. Eventually he tells obiwan he is thinking of doing this and obiwan tells him about satine. Lets say this cascade of events leads to satine not dying either. Ahsoka also never gets kicked out of the order because a less emotional and more trustworthy anikan is able to convince the council to request an extension from the republic to allow them 36 hours to find evidence of another suspect. With both of their focus on the war Anikan has a clearer mind and finds out palpatine is the sith way sooner (Maybe he is able to save fives and is able to use the force to see his memory of plapatine revealing everything to him).

    After helping kill palpatine and the war ends Obiwan and Anikan both decide to leave the order for padme and satine. The council tells them they have decided to let jedi find love and have families. The jedi council learning from the mistakes of saying "no attachments" and becoming too political when they should have been providing relief missions to the outer rim (like saving slaves including Anikan's mother). They realize hiding from emotions has made them too apathetic to the people of the galaxy. They decide to treat the jedi temple as a boarding school where younglings have holiday breaks to visit their familes, and allow older kids and adults to join the jedi. They then decide once becoming a knight jedi graduate and can either become a full time jedi or can go out into the galaxy and get a job and a family, or peruse futher education. They also create a church of the force and vow to teach the force to non-sensitives and figure out a way to teach them how to become one with the force after death.

    Anikan, Rex, Padme, and Ahsoka go live on naboo. Anikan becomes padme's bodyguard and Ahsoka and Rex become head of naboo royal security. Eventually Padme rejoins politics and becomes chancelor when grief retires. Anikan then becomes a flight instructor for the new republic naval academy with Ahsoka replacing Anikan as body guard. Luke shows force sensitivity from a young age and goes to the jedi temple school meeting mara jade and then attends his dad's flight academy and meets Han solo, Wedge antilles, and Hera syndulla three of the best pilots in the galaxy. On a intelligence trip Luke's squadron meets Thrawn who recognizesthe name skywalker. Thrawn then joins the republic navy. Leia is not as sensitive and shows more of a knack for politics so she attends the naboo royal academy, however the whole family joins the church of the force. Luke eventually introduces han to leia and they end up together.

    Obiwan marries satine and becomes her duke with cody becoming his head of security. He also fought maul and won the darksaber, however it becomes a symbol of leadership given to the next elected leaders rather than something that must be won. Mandalore Obiwan also starts a force church on mandalore and adds Mandalorian fighting to his lightsaber form with Bo-Katan's and her husband din djarin's help. Many Mandalorians start going to the jedi temple including Sabine kryze and Obiwan and satine's daughter Elena Kenobi who they have later in life. Elena meets a mandalorian named Tristian Wren. Mandalore and Ryloth join a military alliance with the republic known as the "galactic alliance" but stay independent of the republic.

    Eventually rey skywalker, luke and mara's daugher, and ben solo find out about the grysk who are invading the unkown regions. Thrawn who has spent half his life in the republic for this reason is trying to convince the republic to help his people. The republic says no but under republic law militia groups and individual citizens can help in foreign conflicts. The militia group known as the resistance as well as a few mandalorian groups and jedi join Thrawn. Jedi who have learned to "skywalk" become navigators for the battle group and help them travel to chiss space to help the chiss. After winning the chiss join the military alliance with the republic renamed to the "Intergalactic Alliance"

  2. "As people grow and people change, what they want become important factors over who should stay and who should go." Damn I didn't expect a SW fanfiction video to have such a significant quote. Thank you for this.

  3. What if the Entire 501st and Bad batch were the only clone units who had their inhibitions chips removed, and didn't follow order 66. In this scenario, Asohka has an entire Fleet and the Mangalore never falls. The events of Revenge of the Sith still happen accept instead of the 501st marching on the temple it would be a hodge podge of clone units from the barracks on Coruscant. And due to this more Jedi survive because the commutation wasn't the best. Now the major difference, when Kenobi and Yoda send the Emergency Beacon from the Jedi Temple they get a communication from Asohka with rex and Jesse by her side. They tell Asohka about the turn of the clones and Rex says Fives told me about the plot so I had the Entire 501st remove their chips. They agree to meet in deep space and Bring Padmea, loyal Senators like Tuchi, mon Mothma, and Bail organa, and All surviving Jedi Together the Remaining Jedi and loyal republic warriors meet over Mandalore aboard the Venator Star destroyer Hope. All in all there were three Star destroyers and a fleet of Mandalorian Patrol ships protecting the sector. Rex says that there will be a group Clone commandos joining them. The Bad Batch land and Hunter was happy to see Kenobi survived. Order 66 destroyed much of the Jedi Forces but they Agree that for now Mandalore and its surrounding planets will work to hide the forces until the time is right. Over the next week Rex and the clones Determine that they can Capture clones and bring here to remove there inhibitor chips. Rex says that the first clone unit they should target would be the 212th which is just a system away still on Utopa. With the Mandalorians and clone engineers and the help of Tech and Echo. They develop a quick device that can provide a detection and remove an Inhibitior chip on the field of combat. They make 10 of these devices. More in later reply.

  4. Just got done with your ‘What if Anakin was trained by Revan’ and was kinda disappointed with the ending. I would love LOVE to see a ‘what if Anakin was trained by Emperor Vitiate in the old republic’

  5. Im not sure if youve done a what if on this but a few scenarios regarding Darth Nihilus. What if the Jedi Purge caused Darth Nihilus to reappear and grant light Force Power (another wound in the force); or what if it caused a fallen Jedi to return as a wound in the force (take your pick of any of the fallen); Another option what if the death star destroying Alderaan created a new wound in the force

  6. A nice nod to call Weathers and with his saying be peace it’s a nice way of saying, try and get along, but that being said, I know most of you are probably young or fairly young, but if you have never had watched action, Jackson, what I remember of it it was a pretty good moviehe does a good job in that movie. Anyway appreciate that you did that. Have a good one and keep doing what you’re doing.

  7. I respect you heavily for the tribute created for Carl Weathers and the fan fiction including him . Carl brought joy to many of us in our childhoods and has cemented himself in the Star Wars universe , I also like the approach of anakin being less attracted to the dark side since he forbode his attachment with padme

  8. Great story but I honestly feel here Palpatine would act innocent.

    With just hologram voices to go by he would pin some excuses which would have to be accepted. Palpatine will give up his powers once the war is over.

    He can make that promise because doesnt know Grievous and Dooku are being simultaneously defeated, neithet the Jedi, so it would give him some time.

    Once he finds out he would be gone. Or if the Jedi insisted he would allow himself to be arrested and a trial in the senate with him alive would be a pain without further evidence ane could go either way.

    If Palpatine is given the minutes after his excuses and the Jedi have to concede to go back to gather evidence, Palpatine can just execute Order 66 to kill many Jedi and merge the Republic and Separatist armies to take the Republic by force openly as Darth Sidious.

    Remember the clones after Order 66 are briefly loyal to "Lord Sidious".

    So I think, because of the weak evidence it would be messy, because Palpatine would definitively not dare to fight the the entire council simultaneously.

    So either he escapes after talking his way out and the war becomes very bloody and messy or he just allows himself to be arrested, which could end up against the Jedi given his control over the Senate.

  9. What if anakin trained more in the force than lightsaber dueling.(Basically he would have a green lightsaber instead of a blue one).I feel like it would effect alot of things such as his duel with obi wan on mustafar

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