
China’s 1st open-source desktop OS OpenKylin released

China’s 1st open-source desktop OS OpenKylin released

#Chinas #1st #opensource #desktop #OpenKylin #released


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#China’s first open-source desktop operating system (#OS), #OpenKylin 1.0, was released on July 5, a breakthrough in building independent system #software. The…



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  1. I'm very impressed by this OS. UKUI desktop looks really nice. This OS should be advertised worldwide and I would really want to see Chinese brand of well priced laptops, netbooks and desktops with Kylin preinstalled. Huawei and Xiaomi already conquered the market with their excelent products. Bringing chinese PCs with Linux OS on the global marked should be fully supported by chinese government. Now it's the time. There are so many talented people in China that could make new hardware and software a competition for the big players.

  2. Not much special & needs much more polishing and refinement.
    As of now it has many bugs.
    PS: Seems like it is Ubuntu Linux with Changed User Interface.

  3. i tried installing this OS and its very user friendly unlike other linux distros , this kylin os is very familiar to windows user and linux user very nice it even have easy app support download unlike other linux distros that you need to get resources by command lines.

  4. Ngl it doesn't look bad, nice design. If this was in English also and there weren't privacy concerns this definitely could get somewhere, maybe in China, but maybe not beyond that

  5. Nothing special here that my smart phone can't handle…there is no replacement or substitute for Windows operating system…Linux just doesn't cut it the way x86 does…besides this is everyone else's work (especially Finland's) It is disgusting and rude to take credit and self-profess accolades and achievements when they belong to others…I saw this click bait in the news first, just ugly propaganda and free open source like I said, my phone does this.

  6. OpenKylin is very new. It is submitted to Distrowatch about 5 days ago. I am going to try it out.

    I would like to see it run on smartphones not just on arm architecture.

  7. I like the candy icons though! They need to add many apps and make drivers repository available to the public. It is probably based on Debian while looking at the Desktop environment.

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