
Color Scheme Tier List

Color Scheme Tier List

#Color #Scheme #Tier #List

“The Linux Cast”

The boys return, this time to rank all the color schemes!


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  2. The point of Solarized isn't contrast for contrast's sake, but a nice, constant medium between not so much contrast, to scorch your eyes, and the muted pairs (comments) still having enough contrast to be effortlessly readable. I understand that it isn't so nice for a rice, and one can argue about the hue choice, but it works like a charm for me. I use it to filter the screen glare for years to look at code and configurations for hours on end without my eyes tiring out. Ethan Schoonover got my respect because he pulled it off for both the light and dark variants, and both look nice to me, but I admit, I never use the light variant and never let me pick colors 😛

  3. @TheLinuxCast Matt, I just played around with folder permissions with Jellyfin. When Jellyfin is installed it creates a user in your /etc/passwd file. If you add your user to group jellyfin and vice versa then chown jellyfin:yourusername to jellyfin's media folders this should fix your problem. You will also need to chmod 770 to the same folders, recursive flag should not be necessary.

  4. The thing with Gruvbox having neutral and warm colors is that they have less blue light in them shining through, and blue light is shown to be bad for you. So as far as having something that is objectively or scientifically better, Gruvbox(except for the hard mode with a more bluish background) is better than a lot of other themes with tons of blue in the background and text.

  5. You need to have the external USB mounted at startup with the correct permissions on /etc/fstab !

    Let's say you have your media in the Public directory in myUSB001:

    mkdir /home/username/mounts/myUSB001/Public

    and in fstab:

    //myUSB001/Public /home/username/mounts/myUSB001/Public cifs credentials=/home/username/.smbcredentials,iocharset=utf8,noperm,_netdev 0 0

    where .smbcredentials is a file you create with the format:


    noperm = no permission checks after login, so Plex or MiniDLNA or whatever can access drive; it lowers your security though
    _netdev = network delay, makes sure your network is connected before attempting the mount and is needed if your USB drive is a network one, say if connected through the router's USB port

    if you still cannot access drive as DLNA server, you may have an old one that needs the old samba version. Add vers=1.0 parameter after .smbcredentials

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