
FBI Issues New Warning on Hacked USB Ports

FBI Issues New Warning on Hacked USB Ports

#FBI #Issues #Warning #Hacked #USB #Ports


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  1. Also be ware of cellphone repair companies especially the mobile guys on craigslist. Never let them plug your phone into the charge cord in their card that mysteriously goes into no where.

  2. Some public charging stations in China are known to be rigged. It ask you to enable ADB on your phone to get "Fast charging", then install software on the device that is hidden from the launcher so people wont notice it. You might notice that the charging speed have increased since it is very easy to detect if ADB is enabled, but your device would also be comprised.

    I don't use apple device so I dont pay much attention on these kind of attacks targeted at them.

  3. I'm pretty sure I saw that attack happen in a movie or tv show.
    I think last time I was at an airport there were power outlets next to a few usb outlets and I just used my normal charger in the power outlet to avoid this sort of issue.

  4. Thank you for mentioning this report is only from the Denver Field Office. It not a national problem to say the least. News Organization have blown this out of proportion big time because the warning is only at the Denver Airport but then like every news organization picked this up to include every airport, restaurant and like every public USB port across the country.
    I think this is 100% a false hacker alarm and a really fake 100% a fake problem at any public USB port.
    The idea that a public USB port can transfer data is 100% ridiculous to say the least because they don't contain storage space they can't upload or download. They are mounted with AC ports so that means they would have a 2 wire connection only.
    Android phones do give a warning that you plugged into a port that can transfer files I bet that every usb port at the Denver Airport will not have a transfer USB port. Like this would not be worth a hackers time they would have to pick a spot that would be optimal for you to use their hacking cord. Then there could be a problem with leaving these real expensive cables behind that can supposedly transfer data, anyone can take them. Then as a hacker you also have to depend on someone to actually use it. Which is really stupid. I have two free USB-C charging cables at my coffee shop and rarely are they ever used by other customers. When you have alternatives with people using their own cords it is probably 99% a waste of hackers time and money to leave one of these cords at a public USB port in a major airport that would have hundreds of them across the terminals to have one person to use your hacking cord at a USB port where you think a travel will charge at is like a 100,000:1 and your USB cord could be taken.
    That's another issue with complimentary charging cords, people take them. I've had mine taken at the gym and coffee shop.

  5. I've heard about this type of attack many years ago. I believe that for Type-C charging MacBooks the included charging cable is power only.

    If this type of attack gains traction you could probably just use Qi charging if your phone supports it as it should be impossible to push malware.

  6. Yes! I have considered this attack vector! Starting 2 years ago — when the O•MG Cable was introduced!

    Channels you should also be watching:
    1. Hak5 👍👍 (where MG, the cable creator, is a "visiting fellow": WiFi Shootout: O•MG Cable vs Smartphone duration = 9m 29s; using a smartphone and a parabolic antenna, they exfiltrate data from an O•MG cable, 1 mile away from the target)
    2. David Bombal 👍(who demonstrated the O•MG cable, 2 years ago: O•MG: From zero to hero duration = 23m 42s)
    3. Computerphile 👍👍👍 (just in general. yes… I have 3 thumbs. and the ladies love it! lol)

  7. This is not new. it has been around for a very long time. It is WHY android defaults to charge only mode. It is why I only use my own cables and chargers, and usually keep them with me.

  8. Just immagine, a few years ago it was just movie fiction, i remember watching CSI:Cyber that was talking about this kind of hack, actually there was a whole episode about a black hat using a free charging station in an airport to hack people and steal them credit cards and bank infos

  9. Personally i will only ever charge powerbanks off public USB ports. Partly due to security. But also because often public ports are using pretty cheap charging circuits and i dont want to be plugging my $2000 phone into that.

  10. I've been amazed that phone manufacturers still haven't included a hard data block on the USB ports. I am 100% convinced they could do this where the user just turns off USB data with a setting on their phone and this would literally turn off hardware that would completely block all data transfer through USB and leave it only able to charge. But then I guess adding an extra dollar to the manufacturing costs is too much to ask for basic level security for the user.

  11. If you want to carry a emergency back up because you travel a lot or if you like public chargers in a hotel or something you can buy a charge only usb cable so no data can pass through your cable into your device 🙂

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