
Full Wazuh Install – The SOCFortress Way

Full Wazuh Install – The SOCFortress Way

#Full #Wazuh #Install #SOCFortress

“Taylor Walton”

Join me as we install the latest version of Wazuh (4.4)! Deploy your own SIEM solution today!

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  1. Hi Taylor thnx for the great vids!! Since you dont use wazuh manager to ingest the firewall logs but Graylog, is there a way to get some alerts ore shuffle triggerd on certain firewall log events?

  2. You've built some automations and a lot of cool stuff. I'd be interested in a demo video that just showcases all these in one sitting as if we were the SOC analysts at the console and to see some cases being worked from start to finish. No explanations of the back end or anything but just full on start to finish of case work in a real world scenario. That would be awesome to see it in action at the higher level.

  3. Mentioning the fact that you have to alter the information in your 'custom' config.yml under the [req_domain_name] from your information to the default or our own would likely save people some headache. You should probably fix that link, since it kinda defeats the purpose of trying to help save time. Otherwise, great info!

  4. Hey Taylor. Awesome videos.
    By the way. I'm new to wazuh and I don't know if ELK is not used anymore and now is replaced with wazu indexer or if ELK is also used with wazuh in other kind of environments. I'll appreciate you or anyone here can help with this.

  5. Hey Taylor, awesome work. I was wondering if you could upload a video where we can integrate Wazuh with DFIR-IRIS via shuffle. Relatively same as Wazuh+Shuffle+TheHive+Cortex.


    After 7 times trying I finally got this up For those using proxmox make sure you run privileged containers on LXC and debian 11. Debian12 does not have a binary for Deb12 yet.

    I'm still having an issue with proxmox rewriting my hosts file upon each restart Looking forward to that API!

  7. On a fresh Ubuntu VPS, fresh install using docker, when trying to add a new agent, I then fill all the data, run the commands on the machines where agents suppose to run, nothing happens, if I press the refresh button it clears all options, if I go back to agents the list is empty.

    On agent machine I get this in the logs:

    wazuh-agentd: ERROR: (1208): Unable to connect to enrollment service at '[ip-address]:1515'

  8. just my personal input but when i go to watch a video that has possible good info but the audio of the video is not well i skip to the another one with better audio.
    reverb city yo

  9. Tried this multiple time, but sadly i get a connection error with.the wazuh dashboard.. seems it cant connect to opensearch.. so when logging into the web interface i get the message wazuh dasboard server is not ready yet.😢

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