
Modern Horizons 3 Surprises Beware. Wizards Next Phase To Feed

Modern Horizons 3 Surprises Beware. Wizards Next Phase To Feed Hasbro More Money.

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  1. Let's talk about the fact that Doug Beyer, the person who brought us the world of Lorwyn, is the lead designer of Bloomburrow. As much as I'm against the direction of Hasbro and WotC, I'll enjoy playing a few drafts of Bloomburrow and maybe even pick up a case of draft boosters at the right price. Maybe when the set releases, and maybe in November on sale.

  2. Is wizards finally gonna make good sliver support? Is wizards finally gonna focus more heavily on new diff tribals that are very gd and competitive with diff abilities? Or will this be the same old generic bull crap splashable cards for combo and control decks? BORING!!!!!!!!!

  3. Yes, I am worried about the price point for Modern Horizons III. If it is too high, I will not buy any sealed boxes. If they have them, I may buy the pre-cons. Wizards printed far too many cards for Modern Horizons II. There is a ton of it out there. I will wait and get some singles. You and I are thinking the same way. As far as Modern Horizons III goes, I think Wizards will print a certain amount and if it sells well, they will print more and release it later on in the year just like Neon Dynasty's Set booster boxes. This will create an artificial market and there will be a lot of hype. Thank you for the video Mox Man. Ok, Necronomicon page 826 "Hasbro the Soul Sucker."

  4. If the goal is to broaden the player base then why not lower prices on Standard play boosters? Collector boosters, MH3, and Universes Beyond buyers can pay up for the crazy serialized One Ring.

  5. WotC has printed so many new "answer" cards that players don't really need to look at old answer cards (unless of course they have minimal imagination and just want to netdeck everything.) Personally that seems like an expensive way to do things.
    It's cheaper to be imaginative.
    I would like to think most players are organizing their collections to better interact with what is being made available. I'm hopeful people are realizing it's a genuine problem to overbuy

  6. 2016 – Chris Cocks CEO of WotC
    Jul 2019 – Hasbro stock $121 (all time company high)
    Dec 2021 – Chris Cocks promoted to COO of Hasbro, Hasbro stock $101
    Feb 2022 – Chris Cocks promoted to CEO of Hasbro, Hasbro stock $97
    Aug 2023 – Hasbro stock $72
    Today – Hasbro stock $51

    There is nothing positive that Chris Cocks can claim is going "well". The stock dropping from $121 down to $51 in 5 years is not the direction of a healthy company. Laying off 1,000 people is not the direction of a healthy company. Writing off $1 billion dollars in the most recent quarterly earnings is not the direction of a healthy company. Hasbro needs to move on from Chris Cocks, and realize that WotC & D&D can't fund Hasbro as a whole, and trying to do so will end the company and possibly the two great games we love in Magic & D&D. $15-35 packs for Magic is not and will never be the answer. Universes Beyond isn't the answer as the IP is way to expensive for what players can pay and are willing to pay. Page 826 indeed! That's my 2 copper anyway….

  7. Agreed – they can't allow the Onslaught/Khan-Fetchlands to also drop to 10 dollars like the ones they reprinted in MH2. That's just not good for the brand. Bad enough they crushed the MH2 fetchland prices so far down and it stayed there for far too long already. Page 826 is again out of my range, but in my Scroll Rack I found a lone page of a Necronomicon page 825. So close!

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