
NEW Raspberry Pi 5 | Desktop PC Alternative?

NEW Raspberry Pi 5 | Desktop PC Alternative?

#Raspberry #Desktop #Alternative

“Michael Andrew”

In this video we will explore the new Raspberry Pi 5 and whether it can replace your desktop pc.

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  1. Most of my SSDs and memory chips are from TeamGroup, and I have to say I am delighted with them. Never an issue with their products. A couple of years ago, I decided to prove a point, and I used a Pi400 for my master's degree. I tried to use all open-source software as much as possible (my first master's was not a technical one; my second master’s is). Most of my needs were solved with LibreOffice, Latex, Inkscape, and Gimp. I might have to check the Pi5 once I get it. Nice video.

  2. Hi Mike, I have been wondering about all this Raspberry Pi stuff I have been hearing about for years. I have been thinking about building a Pi thing for audio such as a streamer for a long time, but the whole idea scares me. I know nothing about programing and such. I just saw your previous video on building your streamer and it doesn't look that scary now. One just plugs this and that in and struggles with the software sadly, but after that it is done. That said, I don't like that screen. It is a great idea and I would want something like it, but without all the glitches and function problems. I would not know the difference between Raspberry versions if you beat them into me.

    As for a Raspberry Pi replacing my desktop PC, no chance of that. My desktop is literally a behemoth of power and speed, it is ridiculous and doesn't even have the most powerful and latest components in it. (Fully boots in 9 seconds, takes full advantage of cable internet speeds, etc.)
    That said though I would like a streamer like the old Logitech Squeezebox that I can hook directly into my system without dealing with Bluetooth.
    My Chromebook died several months ago. I still have my Android tablet, but it doesn't do audio stuff at all. I rarely use it except for setting up Alexa crap.

    As for Teamgroup products: I just got a couple of 256GB USB 3.1/2 sticks from them and they work very well. I have not tried any other products from them. Perhaps the unit you got just slipped through. I would think they would replace it (or Amazon will, if you got it from there).

  3. I don't think the the Pi 5 is a replacement for a Chromebook, or it has to be a very old Chromebook, like my Samsung Chromebook Plus with Rockchip RK3399. The Pi 5 only has hardware video decoding for h265, not for VP9. That means that YouTube playback will be limited on the Pi 5.

  4. if you have a basic knowledge of pc assembly n if $$ is the issue just dip into the used market? just install a system light OS that meet your desktop needs and voila all done…

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