
oobabooga text-generation-webui setup in docker on

oobabooga text-generation-webui setup in docker on ubuntu 22.04

#oobabooga #textgenerationwebui #setup #docker





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  1. Hi, really thankful for the video. I was following your tutorial. I am getting requirements.txt file not found error. The only thing I changed was the TORCH_CUDA_ARCH_LIST=6.1 because I have Nvidia Tesla p40 card. docker compose up can't find requirements.txt…any ideas?

  2. Hello and thank you for this great video
    I followed the instructions as described in the video and everything worked except for "prepare .env file"
    edit .env values ​​to your needs

    cp .env.example .env
    nano .env

    I can't find an .env file to edit and copy.

    What am I doing wrong? Please help.

    Thank you in advance and best regards

  3. Hello, tried following this tutorial, when ii do execute the git pull, all the docker files "docker-compose.yml" and Dockerfile are inside a docker/ directory as opposed to how they are in your video. I have to run the docker-compose up command from inside that directory otherwise the process will fail. But at the end it tells me the container fialed to build: this is the exact error.
    ERROR: for 2e1cd7976b77_text-generation-webui_text-generation-webui_1 Cannot start service text-generation-webui: failed to create task for container: failed to create shim task: OCI runtime create failed: runc create failed: unable to start container process: error during container init: error running hook #0: error running hook: exit status 1, stdout: , stderr: Auto-detected mode as 'legacy'

    nvidia-container-cli: initialization error: nvml error: driver not loaded: unknown

    ERROR: for text-generation-webui Cannot start service text-generation-webui: failed to create task for container: failed to create shim task: OCI runtime create failed: runc create failed: unable to start container process: error during container init: error running hook #0: error running hook: exit status 1, stdout: , stderr: Auto-detected mode as 'legacy'

    nvidia-container-cli: initialization error: nvml error: driver not loaded: unknown

    Any idea how I can fix it? I also tried moving the files one directory up but same result

  4. would you happen to know how to get the oobabooga-linux one click installer to work im trying to run inference on my old laptop because on windows i get a weird error i managed to get stablelm running on it but its very ram and cpu intensive i cant however get it to work with the web ui
    any advice would be great

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