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Build Modern Next 14 Server Side App with Server

Build Modern Next 14 Server Side App with Server Actions, Infinite Scroll & Framer Motion Animations

#Build #Modern #Server #Side #App #Server

“JavaScript Mastery”

Are you curious about Server Actions in Next.js 14? What about infinite scrolling and Framer Motion animations with Next 14? This video will demystify these concepts while building a server-side Next 14 App

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Time Stamps πŸ‘‡
00:00:00 – Server Actions Crash Course
00:09:32 – Implement Server Actions
00:20:40 – Infinite Scroll in Next 14
00:29:10 – Framer Motion with Next 14
00:38:10 – Summary & Recap



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  1. Really good project for explain the concept! I suggest everyone to use something to take note when watch this kind of video, it's nice to do the project, but it's really important to take note when he explain the concept.

  2. Hi Adrian, thanks for this video.
    I am getting this error: Unhandled Runtime Error

    Error: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'original')
    componentsAnimeCard.tsx (25:51) @ original

    It seems that image data is missing or undefined, the link is broken.

  3. Hi Thanks for the video !
    Info for motion:
    To have a server component inside the client component you need to use children props. Something like that:
    "use client";

    import React from "react";

    import { motion } from "framer-motion";

    type Props = {

    children: React.ReactNode;

    className?: string;


    const variants = {

    hidden: { opacity: 0, y: -50 },

    visible: {

    opacity: 1,

    y: 0



    export const MotionDiv = ({ children, className }: Props) => {

    return (











    export default MotionDiv;

    //export const MotionDiv = motion.div;

  4. here is the simple code for framer motion,

    just add this in your map
    const adjustedIndex = index % 20;

    – the number 20 is limit data perpage

    so you dont need to move the map into actions file

    for example, in loadmore component SeriesCard, index) => {

    const adjustedIndex = index % 20;

    return (







    delay: adjustedIndex * 0.1,

    ease: 'easeInOut',

    duration: 0.3,


    viewport={{ amount: 0 }}


    <CardMovies data={series} imgWidth={185} />




    sorry my english is bad

  5. Awesome Project Adrian! I'm 20, Brazilian and starting my career with nextjs on this month, I don't have money for the entire curse yet but I really love to make all this projects with you, I wish I will start my own projects soon, thank you for all! God bless you!

  6. Your content is very nice , interesting And I love it very much❀️❀️
    I would like it if you could create courses in Angular or projects using itπŸ™β€οΈ

  7. thank you sir for little project and with greate explanation of cocepts. Sir I have request can you clone apple website with it's all animation in react.js and node.js.

  8. I dont understand Only first page that loaded with 8 images is server side rendered other images loaded after scrolling are loaded client side so what the use of the server side render function only for the initial page

  9. Great video! I really enjoyed the content. Your VS Code setup looks fantastic! Could you please share the font and theme you're using? I'm looking to improve my coding environment, and your setup caught my eye. Thanks in advance, and keep up the excellent work !

  10. Many thanks for your tutorials πŸ‘
    Is it correct to say that:
    – the fetch on the home page server-component is done at built-time ?
    – and then all subsequent fetch from LoadMore client-side component are made at run-time, but not from the client as would do a "traditional" fetch in a React component, but rather on the server, thanks to the "use server" directive in the fetchAnime ("action") file ?

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