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“Glitch Unlimited”

Hey, let’s talk Palworld Update, Dedicated Servers, Bellanoir, Legendary Pal, PATCH!
0:00 Big Server Update
0:31 Pocketpair Confirms Tencent Servers
3:03 Next Patch Brings More
6:35 NEW Palworld Inspired Game
8:30 What to Expect
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► Hey, I am Glitch Unlimited! This channel is dedicated to finding glitches for entertainment and to HELP/ASSIST the Devs in debugging a game. _____________________________________
►Glitching History:
In 2020, I discovered glitches like Unlimited Brahmin/Collectron Glitch, Unlimited XP Glitch, Duplication Glitch with Items, Camp Objects Dupes and many other discoveries. I have been glitching games since i played Tony Hawk: American Wasteland, which that is long ago when the game was released. You could say i am glitching enthusiast. If you are fan of glitching games for you can…



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  1. Guys, for anyone who is worried about the tencent cloud service this what Bucky ( The EN Palworld community manager) has to say and said on twitter, quote:
    "We partnered with Tencent Cloud, their server-providing company to provide community servers primarily in China.

    If you aren't from China, or if you are but don't want to use Tencent Cloud then feel free to use another server provider. This is just a community server host".

    Hope this helps to dispel any worries about palworld and pocket pair have a nice day ❤

  2. Why have they given their game to Communist game company? Yes they are an Eastern company but still. I can see that money is in server rental and they pounced probably to fuel said productions of Palworld clones. Soul right to server distrubution is another slip up, Tencent can set the prices to see how they see fit. Hope it doesn't turn into another ASA scenario. I'm just glad I have single player. I may not have access to mods but I know I'm safe. (at least as far as I'm aware).

  3. Tencent is polluting Palworld now? Welp, now I'm concerned. I'd rather keep multiplayer as is with all of the bugs and problems over have Tencent touch the game with their filth. They're like EA; very much deserving of a certain fecal matter award.

  4. They say Terraria is a ripoff of Minecraft but there are differences. I wonder if the same thing will happen with Palworld. like a 2d version but with more weapons, more monsters to catch and more bosses. But….I should note that Palworld is not the first sandbox game to catch and tame monsters. That has to go to Starbound by chuckle fish.

  5. I actually have a question about this. I don't want to get my hopes up until I know for sure. You speak of dedicated servers, but is that for everyone or just PC? I ask because I've never seen on Xbox a way to set up a server unless I'm just misunderstanding and setting up a new game world is setting up a server? If you could please explain this and the impact for Xbox players I would greatly appreciate it thanks. 😊

  6. I just imagine with Tencent it'll be weird Chinese spyware at some point that I wouldn't put on someone I didn't even like's computer. Next it'll be "here's an anti-cheat that needs kernel level privileges", what could possibly go wrong.

  7. Why not keep palworld offline I hate mmo platform now they change the game huh.not liking where this heading. What if they tencent goes off deads out. Give us a hard disk for consoles at least wtf

  8. at least they didn't even give the game the chance to grow up like ark before killing it, they instantly jump on it and try to grab our cash, thx u for the quick reaction tencent, an another game i will have a good memory about. can't wait for the pixark version of palworld made by tencent ngl.

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