
Hexblast Mines – My 3.22 Leaguestarter, Full Build

Hexblast Mines – My 3.22 Leaguestarter, Full Build Guide | Path of Exile

#Hexblast #Mines #Leaguestarter #Full #Build


We going for a Mine build in 3.22 Trial of the Ancestors! Here’s everything you need to know!

#PathofExile #PoE #Leaguestart

โ†“ All Resources Down Below โ†“

00:00 Intro
00:54 Timetable
01:36 Playstyle/What Is It Good For?
04:05 Hexblast Mechanics
05:39 Mine Mechanics
08:27 Curse…



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  1. Question about a comment you make at 9:55… With the Affliction league changes, Hexblast mine now has a 90% chance to remove a curse instead of ALWAYS removing a curse… But I don't understand the comment about "Where some mines you can't remove a curse, and so you do less damage"… But I don't understand the desire to remove curses or how that factors into dealing more damage somehow. Is there a factor somewhere that removing a curse results in increased damage that I'm missing?

    As for the mine throwing speed nerfs, I'm not too worried about those personally as I played it briefly in 3.22 and didn't go crazy on getting mine throwing speed and I already felt like I had plenty of speed to it. They seem like minimal impact nerfs that can be fairly easily overcome, but correct me if I'm wrong.

  2. I did not understand the reason for not using conductivity. If you have a curse limit of 2 – Using elemental weakness in Profane proxy and then conductivity on hit from another ring – Would not the result be that enemies have both curses on them?

    Conductivity/flammability/frostbite will lower the max res further than ele weakness, so is it not better if that is the curse that stays (I guess this depends on which is the lowest initial resist on the target since its not a large difference at 30% vs 36%)

    Third question: Should I also get "inflict – X% cold/fire/lightning resistance on hit" on my gloves?

  3. I have no idea how to get resistances in the end game config of the PoB? The Config says:

    "Suffixes are open so use them to have:

    +200% all elemental resist

    +100% chaos resist

    +30 intel

    +30 dex"

    Well no? With the 4 uniques in the endgame setup, and a few +mana crafts, there are only 9 opened suffixes on there. Assuming I need 2 for intel / dex, i'm left with only 7 suffixes. How the hell am I supposed to fit 100 chaos resist + enough elem resist to reach 75/75/75, let alone 200 all res ?

  4. Went from zizz boneshatter to zish frostblades to this and I never thought I'd say I needed mines in my poe career. Thanks for the thorough guide. Once this gets rolling you blast through everything [:

  5. Hey Palsteron, i've followed your pob, but i have a problem.With the end game-uniques i have only 133 dex whilst your pob has 163.I've seen in the calcs section of your pob that you get 30 dex from "custom source".Can you tell me where did you get that 30 dex from?.Thank you

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