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Pay-to-Win Minecraft Servers – The TRUTH.

Pay-to-Win Minecraft Servers – The TRUTH.

#PaytoWin #Minecraft #Servers #TRUTH


Minecraft pay to win servers. They are bad right? Well, lets actually investigate that.

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0:00 – Intro
0:53 – What Even Happened?
6:59 – Minecraft Servers & Money
12:24 – Servers Need Money.
15:23 – Ethical Monetisation
21:34 – The “Anti Pay-to-Win” Community
26:56 – Exploitation?
29:12 – How Much Money Does My Minecraft Server Make?
33:06 – Cosmetics?

Music Used:
1. Scott Buckley – Shadows and Dust
2. DBadge – Void Essence…



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  1. interesting video, I used to play on a SMP server way back in the alpha-beta days but stopped playing regularly around 2013. when it started in 2010 most of us were late teens/college age and had a lot of time on our hands. Like most in those days the server was a passion project that relied on donations with nothing in return, they did start to introduce more P2W elements as one-time purchases just to survive, but it was never monetized for profit. As the years went on and most of the regular players/staff got older, we just naturally had less time to put the time an effort needed to run a server, and it died around the time I stopped playing. While it was a bit sad to see the server fade away, I'm not sure if I would have liked to see the server go hard on monetization just to make it worth it for the staff to keep going, in the old days of SMP servers everything just felt more pure and strictly for fun, and profit seeking really wasn't on our radar.

    After watching this video I do admire the goal of ethical monetization, I don't think its wrong by principle to profit from a Minecraft server, but it's a very fine line to walk in my eyes. I don't take issue with servers that offer the purchase of kits or perks so long as any non-cosmetic item or power is earnable for free with enough time played, for example, I don't like it when SMP servers give perks for donation ranks such as /repair or /feed that massively change the game and permanently disadvantage free players, but if free players can grind for those same benefits for free just by playing the server long enough then I don't have a problem with massively game changing perks, but in that case you would also have to be careful about creating a predatory grind loop.

  2. seems like your trying to be fair so i see no problem. There is always a group that has money to burn, some work full time, some save on other stuff to spend on games, and others are just rich but they like to spend money on stuff, So might as well try to get there money fairly. The full anti monetization crowd is a vocal minority who dont understand the world and deny reality. They hate p2w but refuse to donate and will freeload on everything, they arent customers and shouldn't be the controlling voice of anything. The "backlash" youll get will mean nothing and wont effect anything.

  3. Over my years of playing and helping hosting Minecraft servers there is so much work that goes into them it's insane. If people didn't have a way to earn money on servers I'm pretty sure the server scene would be dead way before now.

  4. So, my only problem with pay to win, is that some items that you can pay for are better than the f2p ones. I’d be happy to check out your server if someone can clarify if this issue I have a problem with is present here. Love ur stuff dude, watched the whole video, won’t unsubscribe, I understand you fully (: but this question was never answered 👾

  5. Ghosting a bug report that asks for a bug bounty is just idiotic. Bug Bountys are a normal thing. Whoever told you that this is weird and you should block them is just far away from reality

  6. Years ago, I used to play on a small server (a1craft). It was pay to win, as everything was at the time.

    It went EULA-compliant.

    And that killed the server. The revenue was no longer there. It was no longer financially viable.

    I never paid for premium features. I was at a disadvantage in some areas. But I still had fun – and taking away the P2W features took that fun away from me.

    There are three main ways games are monetised:
    1. Pay for access – buy the game, or pay for access to a server
    2. Pay to win – buy premium equipment or features that free members don't have access to, or pay to skip the grind
    3. Advertising – in-game ads, ads between rounds of a minigame, etc. This could also include pay to avoid ads.

    Pay for access is not going to be viable for most servers. Advertising – it's hard to put in-game ads in a Minecraft server, and putting ads on the server website won't be sufficient. That leaves pay to win as the only viable option.

    I completely agree – P2W is a necessary evil. On the one hand I hate the idea. On the other hand, I can play games – for free if I want – that would not be available for me if they were not P2W.

    Kill P2W, and you kill a lot of games.

  7. to anyone who thinks a job can cover the costs of sever development, sure but being exhausted after a 9-5 and then having basic routines make it really fucking hard to want to anything besides pass out

  8. truly interesting video, i always had it in my head that minecraft servers got a lot more traction than they did. for one of the top selling games of all time, seeing a player count of 100 concurrent seemed really low but looking back with the wide disparity of different servers and ways to play it makes sense. good on you for keeping it ethical

  9. You guys are acting like his server will be p2w all together no one is forcing you to play the gamemode it's just a way for him to recieve profit because the server right now is just a waste of money. I hate how all of yall dislike him for this but none of yall have operated a server. All of his points are valid and if you can't afford to play the p2w gamemode THEN DONT PLAY IT. People in this comment section are only complaing about how he is a "traitor" but no one is coming up with any better solutions how can yall be this stupid?

  10. As a former server owner myself, i get needing a pay to win mode for money, but I cant sit here and watch a video from the guy who preaches not being pay to win to make a kit with sharpness 10 and full netherite accessible by purchasing.

  11. i would suggest instead of blatantly pay to win being the primary source of income from donations, you can instead do stuff like buy armor trims while in game armor trims are just removed from any possible loot tables. This would be mildly annoying since it is outright removing the ability to get a very cool item that allows for lots of player expression in game without paying, but it is a purely cosmetic item, and this would be far superior to the alternative of high value kits. Also several plugins allow you to create cool custom cosmetics such as hats, you could sell access to various accessories, particle effects, and in general purely cosmetic pieces.

    I would also be fine with very mild pay-to-win elements such as you only being allowed to set 2-3 /home points regularly, while selling access to more /sethome points. This is still slightly problematic in terms of gameplay advantage, but far less compared to other pay-to-win schemes, and it would also encourage players to engage with the game more as i believe part of the reason modern minecraft is less fun is that logistical management and transport of items is actually a really interesting problem to attempt to figure out, if you want a bunch of cool bases and massive farms all doing cool things, it should be sort of a hassle to transport the items between, you shouldn't just be able to shove everything in shulkers and elytra to your next base as it removes the fun of establishing transport networks like railways or nether highways or ice boat highways. In some ways pay-to-win players would just be making the game less fun for themselves but at the same time still giving themselves an advantage and massive convenience.

    Maybe along these same lines stuff like an enchanted anvil you can create and use if you have a rank, that allows you to combine enchantments in otherwise impossible ways, since some enchantments are outright incompatible. Again this wouldn't be a major advantage most of the times, but it still would be an advantage, but one pay-to-win players would have to work for since they would still need to grind for the XP for the enchantments, and you could potentially make combining enchantments in impossible ways cost way more XP than usual. If the server doesn't have keep-inventory on, this could also effectively turn pay-to-win players into raid bosses, as their impossible gear could be stolen, making other players want to try to fight them, creating a challenge for f2p players and p2w players alike. Imagine like 8 f2p players all teaming up against one p2w player to get their chestplate that has all the different varieties of protection.

  12. Do not let this man brainwash you. P2W is really bad, it's against the EULA, it can also trick small children up to age 9 to purchase ranks in order for them to get more money. No to P2W!!!

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