
One of the world’s biggest mining companies say Carbon

One of the world’s biggest mining companies say Carbon Capture is a SCAM

#worlds #biggest #mining #companies #Carbon

“The Electric Viking”

One of the world’s biggest mining companies say Carbon Capture is a SCAM

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  1. For every molecule of CO2 there is an atom of carbon and two atoms of oxygen … Let's not lower the oxygen level too much! Seems no one understands where asphalt roads come from either … Petroleum!

  2. Reality is the exact opposite of what you are programed to believe.
    Thru our massive release of co2. With industry we have actually saved life on this planet from extinction. And yes I can show proof.

  3. Carbon capture only captures a small amount.. has been proven to be a farce and taxpayers are forking out millions for something that simply doesn’t work as well as they say it should. Take a look at WA’s Gorgon mine.. very dirty.

  4. Worked directly in CCS research for 6 years right out of college. It's a scam as far as being good for the environment. CO2 does work well for enhanced oil recovery. CCS research is likely not going to yield any positive results for humanity, but it might help get more oil out of the ground. Your tax dollars at work…

  5. Stop nonsense and stop burning shit (more than CO2 is polluting, remember?). Instead of spending all that money on capturing CO2, use it for planting trees instead. So much forest has been cut down all over the world for the past 1000's of years. Let's bring some of it back to help lower the harm done

  6. It isn't often that one agrees with the mining industry, but TREES and PLANTS have learned to SLOW WATER through the landscape, increasing NATURAL PRODUCTIVITY. This will capture MORE CARBON than the amount needed, because LIFE BUILDS ITSELF. No factories required, thank goodness . . .

  7. Carbon Capture has always been a transparent scam. If you sweep the crap under the carpet, it doesn't go anywhere, for a while. If you compress crap and manage to sweep it under the carpet, it doesn't go anywhere, for a while (definition: a while – sooner or later).

  8. Viking, you know and I know that you are biased and misleading. There is a huge difference between CO2 and ICE immitions. CO2 is something we need to sustain life on this planet, except many people like you belive that CO2 in atmosphere causes global warming. Could you just stick to EV stories.

  9. Carbon Capture are a subsidie.
    The oil companies pump co2 down to increase the pressure.

    Oil is subsidized $7T (2023).
    This make the fossile cars subsidies $21.875.

    And if we recycle the plastic, we don't need to pump oil.
    Lets start with the plastic floting in the sea.

  10. Re the thumbnail – I love how we are always being showed pictures of steam from cooling towers because most people will mistake it for smoke or C02 which even Greta claimed to be able to see – yeah, and I can see oxygen, right. I also love how they make it look as dark as possible with simple photographic techniques, shadowing the light. Obviously you can't photograph C02 so they show us water vapour – job done lol. (QI – Stephen Fry, explained that steam is actually invisible too so I suppose water vapour is a better description even though we all call it steam)

  11. Carbon capture is one of many choices to reduce the increase of CO2 in our atmosphere. CO2 has increased every year since the beginning of the measurement in Hawaii decades ago. There is no doubt a profitable carbon emissions reduction is the better choice and is progressing. Until then, cap-in-trade is the alternative.

  12. Oil companies used “carbon capture”as part of their tertiary oil recovery. Wet carbon gas is very corrosive. In fact they don’t know how much carbon dioxide has been pumped into the earth and they don’t know how much remains. Nearly all of the people who use the term have little knowledge of what is involved. As it is like “abracadabra” all is settled.

  13. Carbon Capture is an activity with no benefit other than the removal and sequestration of CO2, and which obviously takes effort (hence, money) to do. It can NEVER BE anything BUT "uneconomic".

  14. The real falsehood is taking CO2 to be a dangerous polutant that can heat the planet, such as what happened to Venus, in the short (or long) run. They also claim it is settled science to which 97% of climate scientists (BTW, there is no such thing) agree, where there are literally thousands of top notch physicists and engineers that say otherwise, and recent revisit of the study yielded it actually show only 0.3% believe that GW is due to antropogenic sources or it is dangerous. The propenents of GW theory also believe that wind and solar power generation will save us when all theortical and real world evidance clearly show that it will do absolutely nothing except raise our electricity bills five fold, whilst make our power availability strong as lake ice cover on April (on the northen hemisphere), emit way more CO2 than they are willing to admit, will grately increase the overall fooprint of power generation and polute the soile in the country of use and in the counrty of manufacturing.
    GW is nothing but a scam proppled by human hating idiolody, ignorance and will to control and power over ordinary people, aided by like-minded press.

  15. Best coverage I've seen anytime lately. Delightful to see a major heavy industry embracing the advantages of Battery Electric Vehicles after conducting their own 1st-hand experiment to determine the practical pros and cons. Thank sfor reporting on this.

  16. If carbon capture worked someone would be doing it on a big scale already. I think (and what do I know) that there are lots of big companies taking government money to “research” the subject when they know it probably won’t work.

  17. I’m glad you’ve picked up on this issue. Carbon Capture and Storage is central to the GHG reduction policies of most countries, but the technologies are unproven and the majority of the proposed CCS is not intended to remove existing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere (which is essential), but is being developed to capture new emissions to enable the continued burning of fossil fuels. So, as you say, this is a scam to protect the fossil fuel multinationals.
    Sadly however, to safeguard the Arctic, Antarctic and alpine ice, humanity is now committed to removing and storing hundreds of billions (~100,000,000,000) of tonnes of excess atmospheric CO2 over the coming decades. If we don’t, we will irreversibly change our climate system and destroy the ecosystems on which we depend for food. So, whether we like it not, humanity is now committed to spending trillions of dollars a year on CCS. Let’s hope it works ..

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