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The Isle’s First Hardcore Server. The Void’s Oasis

The Isle’s First Hardcore Server. The Void’s Oasis

#Isles #Hardcore #Server #Voids #Oasis


Come check out The Voids Oasis! It’s the first ever HARDCORE Isle server, that creates a whole new way to play the isle!
This server is geared towards putting a new, fun twist on the isle, without having any lame microtransactions.
Before the hardcore mode starts there will be 1 week of normal play time on the launch of the new update.
The extinction event is going to be a two week long experience where spawns are disabled for certain creatures and those creatures need to survive and maintain their population. This is the main feature of this server, it’s The Isle’s first ever “hardcore server”. We hope we can create a realistic ecosystem and above all else a fun and new experience you haven’t seen in the isle before.
Example of extinction event A: You spawn carno the first week, and you survive until the extinction event. During the extinction event you die, you will find that you cannot spawn as carno, unless there is a nest.
Injects: Injects are not microtransactions. They are preformed by admins if a species population becomes very low. Admins will nest in a few batches of that species to try and evade if from extinction. Once they are juvie…



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  1. Come check out The Voids Oasis! It's the first ever HARDCORE Isle server, that creates a whole new way to play the isle!

    This server is geared towards putting a new, fun twist on the isle, without having any lame microtransactions.
    For more information read the description or join the discord!

  2. Funny thing is, I am definitely not a "hardcore" Isle player, but I very much dig your rule set. One of the things that turned me off in the past was the onset of injections in so many servers. Like, I worked hard to grow this giga to adult, and someone else could just "buy" one. It was disgusting, in my opinion. And then there's the servers with 8 million rules. Ugh, I just want to play a game, not read a novel.

    But I really like your approach, it sounds really cool. I get the feeling folks are gonna be mad at me for accidentally extincting a species lol.😅

    My only suggestion would be to wait until things cool down with the introduction of dilo and Herrera a bit before you do the extinction events, otherwise the server's just going to be like 70% dilo and Herrera. I think it's still crazy imbalanced, from what I can tell from my little dabble in a large server yesterday. I mean, we like to play with the new toys.

  3. Brilliant idea. I'd like to see this coupled with the system used on petit's server, that distributes spawns evenly across the different dinosaurs. With AI spawns being seemingly broken this version, you need more approachable prey for the smaller carnis.

  4. Will there be maybe a video series on this server? Just something to protocol what happened, what issues accured, what species struggled and which strived etc? I think that would be so cool to watch

  5. As I have read "Hardcore" my first reaction "Is the game not HARD enough right now!?".

    But after reading the concept in the description I finally might have found the REAL DEAL!
    As an OG Diablo 2 Hardcore Veteran my senses are tingling.

    Finally Nesting makes sense!
    I can not express how much this experiment is checking the boxes that i missed for that game!

  6. I hope the server populates a bit more wasn't the most peak when only 8 people were on , sometimes only reaching up to 50 players, and only seems to reach max players when player0 does a little event, but can't wait to watch as this server grows into something bigger in the near future

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