
[4.3] The Complete Narzissenkreuz Questline Recap & Analysis –

[4.3] The Complete Narzissenkreuz Questline Recap & Analysis – Genshin Impact Lore & Theory

#Complete #Narzissenkreuz #Questline #Recap #Analysis


The story of Narzissenkreuz is a huge part of Fontaine’s history, and 4.3 marked the finale of this wild questline! And now that we have all the pieces to this very broken puzzle, it’s time to put them all together and find out what really happened in Fontaine 500 years ago and why it…



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  1. I still want to know what happened to Lyris-Mary when all the oceanids were "judged not guilty" by Neuvilette. Like; did they split into 2 humans? One oceanid and one human? Did they become one human?
    Well now I'm going to have to make a golem OC aren't I.
    As far as the blade being a person; there is a line where Paimon says she was sleeping before getting sucked into a portal and meeting the traveler. And she has been by their side the entire time since.

  2. Did anyone else realise Jakob may have been responsible for his own death? It’s only a single line of text but he mentions that he was waiting for you so long he oiled the clock. The clock that otherwise was probably rusted in place from sitting for so long.

  3. Thank you for making this video. You helped resolve much confusion for me about what was happening and what the conversations were alluding to within the multiple quests involving Caterpillar and the others.

  4. Physicians appropriated "doctor" from Doctoral graduates, you mean to say real physicians because having a doctoral degree means you're a real doctor. Doctor is derived from latin verb docere meaning to teach.

  5. Here is a stupid hypothesis; what if Paimon is the sword?

    If the sword can take any shape, a flying thingie should not be rejected as a possibility.
    We have found nothing like paimon and paimon's scarf has always been a debatable subject.

    And you also have the Arthurian legend, where arthur gets excalibur from a lake. Traveler retreived Paimon from the sea.

  6. Throughout this video my brain also went through metamorphosis, got lost somewhere along the way and didn't ascend, staying as a shapeless goo with random parts sticking out. I am now a hilichurl.

  7. I don't believe the ghost-like Caterpillars in the Book of Revealing to be the Caterpillar we interacted with in the Fontaine World quests (except for perhaps the last Caterpillar). I believe that version is actually the mixed "souls" of Rene and Carter after the little purple eidolon passed away in the little Annapausis after "Rene" and the Traveler went to get "Mary-Ann" out of there. Their mixed souls had the appearance of Caterpillar because it was what the Traveler perceived based on who he had met. Similar to how Canotila saw a field of flowers in the Book of Revealing while we the Traveler saw a desolate ruins, visual perceptions in that world are not accurate.

    Anyway, like what Ashikai brought up earlier in the video, I believe that after the purple Eidolon "Rene" died, his soul was not able to rest in peace until he was able to rediscover his memories of Carter (aka, the "dog" in the Book of Revealing). "Rene's" soul was probably drawn to the Book of Revealing since he (at this point in time) was a mixture of both Rene and Carter (and the separated parts of Carter probably acted as an unconscious tether drawing them together).

    This could potentially explain why the ghost-Caterpillars only started showing up in the Book of Revealing post-Fontaine World quest. It was because it was after the point the purple Eidolon "Rene" passed away.

  8. Is it just me or does Ashikai sound like an older Yanfei? I mean, I feel the tone of different words and the overall speech sound VERY similar if not the same.

  9. @Ashikai I don't know if you have answered this somewhere in the comments already, but what about the story Caterpillar tells Laniore? The one about the little purple flower, the giant, and the witch. Can we interpret it to be connected with the story of the fish? (also I find it interesting that we are getting to see a region of Liyue guarded by a fish adeptus almost immediately after this quest line 🤔)

  10. Describing your theory of the endgame and the Traveler being a conduit for the will of the world and forming a golden blade, while overlaying it with the scene where the Traveler draws on the wills of the impassioned Inazumans(?) and their blade bursts into this much larger weapon was very on point, a chills-inducing parallel and maybe foreshadowing!

  11. I would absolutely play Bloodborne if it wasn't a playstation exclusive. I unfortunately don't have a playstation, nor do I intend on getting one just for Bloodborne. Maybe one day the game will finally be remastered and released on PC, but I doubt that day will come any time soon.

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