
AI Generated Photos: IT’S TOO REAL

AI Generated Photos: IT’S TOO REAL

#Generated #Photos #REAL

“Joshua Chang”

What is going on with AI…

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  1. So now, how long will it be until the corrupt politicians and globalist use this against us? How long until people are convicted for videos and pictures connecting you to crimes you didn’t have anything to do with? How long until people running for office gets disqualified for a thing that they didn’t do because the powers that we don’t want them to run? Right now they’re already railroad people just because they don’t like their politics.. they’re trying to destroy a single man running for office just so they can stay in power. What do you think they’re gonna do to us force others to follow whatever they tell them? What do you think will happen to us if we get in their way?

  2. AI still is too smooth, or doesn't shadow things in real lighting. It also makes small errors.
    4:44 For example, the Pope's right hand is deformed, and Trump's face looks very smooth.
    Maybe I see more of the minor details than a normal person because I've see more AI images.

  3. The "Set extension" made me think of crazy transitions:
    u got 2 shots -> extend both just a little,
    then generate fill in between and in your editing software scroll the image from one side to the other

  4. It's incredible to see the level of realism they can achieve. Joshua Chang is definitely an underrated YouTuber for showcasing this mind-blowing technology. Exciting times are ahead for AI-generated visuals!

  5. timely video as always Josh, great overview of the AI image trends. It's really crazy how fast the field is moving, hope to see more of these updates in the near future.

    to your last point, I think you should do whatever makes you most comfortable. don't worry about being a sellout or whatever. sponsors, digital products, patreon, etc… works for me as long as it works for you!

  6. I'd be interested in a mini-course on thumbnail design. How you shoot your distinct thumbnails, with striking block colour backgrounds, as well as your thought process and the technical camera side and with settings and lighting. All reasons I found you channel back when you posted your Spotify Car Thing video! Would be helpful as someone who wants to start creating!

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