
Psychopath Hopeful Breakthroughs: Oxytocin, Schema Therapy,

Psychopath Hopeful Breakthroughs: Oxytocin, Schema Therapy, Reciprocal Altruism (Literature Review)

#Psychopath #Hopeful #Breakthroughs #Oxytocin #Schema #Therapy

“Prof. Sam Vaknin”


Grant JE, Chamberlain SR. Impaired cognitive flexibility across psychiatric disorders. CNS Spectr. 2023 Dec;28(6):688-692. doi: 10.1017/S1092852923002237. Epub 2023 Apr 28. PMID: 37114560.
Jeung-Maarse H, Schmitgen MM, Schmitt R, Bertsch K, Herpertz SC.

Oxytocin effects on amygdala…



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  1. 😄 I learned enough from you in the past few months, that when I saw "hopeful" and "breakthroughs" in the title – I started to laugh (and opened it immediately), so it was good to see you started the video like the same 😄😄😄

  2. Hi Sam, when questioning a narc psychopath in court as the opposing party, is it beneficial to question them like a child or an adult in order to get a more favourable outcome for myself? Thanks

  3. EMDR works on memory reconsolidation. This also restructures the brain. This is why it's so helpful for trauma. I have used it on people with Dissociative Identity Disorder to help them reconnect with lost parts of themselves and process trauma. It would be interesting to see if it would work with cluster b disorders.

  4. Prof Vaknin, its been 3 weeks since I found your videos & my life will never be the same again. I have been devouring your videos & will watch every one.

    I am in awe, your knowledge is encyclopedic, your humour is brilliant & your hair.. 😍

    On a serious note. I was diagnosed with EUPD (BPD) 2 years ago – the psychiatrist noted it is difficult for professionals to decide between BPD & CPTSD.
    Your videos have confirmed without doubt BPD is correct.
    It's frightening & fascinating hearing you describe me & my world so accurately. I want to address the BPD because I have young children & I dont want them to experience life/relationships as I have (yes I can be a Dead Mother) throughout my entire life.
    I watched your video on the Book "Pure" yesterday & it took me back 33 years to my own similar experiences.
    Theres so much I want to say but your time is precious so I will stick to two questions/requests.
    1 – Please consider doing a video which informs self aware sometimes "Dead Mothers" who desperately want to do things differently to protect their children, what we can focus on/do in a practical sense. I've devoured your videos & have watched 5+ a day for 3 weeks so I have researched your work before asking this.
    2 – I am about to start Schema Therapy (Group x 1 weekly + 1:1 every fortnight for 18 months) You comment that you like Schema Therapy, please consider making a video (a long one please!) on using this modality to treat BPD. I would really appreciate some hope that things will improve. I'm all in 110% & your thoughts on why this Therapy is efficacious would be encouraging.
    Thank you from the bottom of my BPD heart (you know I'm crying dont you?!) for sharing your work (for free) so that people like me can learn about ourselves & know that we are seen and that I'm not the only person in the world dealing with these issues.

  5. Oh so interesting! The link to Oxytocin does make sense, since it is the "Love" hormone in the body. And Love really is the cure for all things, but it is often difficult to "administer" it safely and effectively, because of the extreme dissociation.

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