
She FINALLY Realised How Difficult Talking To Most Women Is

She FINALLY Realised How Difficult Talking To Most Women Is

#FINALLY #Realised #Difficult #Talking #Women

“Christine Grace Smith”

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  1. I have the same problem with my sister's ironically though it was my mom that smacked them to reality you cannot live inside your own head if a bear is about to rip you apart living inside your own brain doesn't stop that attack the only way to survive is to face reality putting your emotions in storage has to be taught to girls they're not going to learn it on their own

  2. It breaks my heart cause I recently went through an existence with a girl who was first my friend started to become something more to me . And I thought I meant something more to her as she had said as much. But then she did things that hurt me even though we weren’t together or dated she had expressed interest and told me that i basically meant the world to her. But then when I confronted her with all of the things she did that hurt me nothing hurt more then how she dismissed all the points I laid out . But I am less upset about things now cause I also realize that from her perspective I did do some things that hurt and maybe even dismissed her because I was thinking logically I didn’t spend a lot of time with her before we started getting and even after things got flirty because I had heard how her past relationship went and I was being cautious. But in her eyes she liked me wanted to spend time with me and I avoided her . And at one point I let my emotions and jelaous get the better of me cause she started entertaining other guys even in front of me so I began ignoring her . And it resulted in a big fight where we are no longer friends or talk. While she did a lot that hurt me that I left out I also realize that I could’ve and should’ve did better. It’s important to find a healthy balance of logical and emotional response and to communicate how you feel clearly and respectfully.

  3. The girl in the dating one, that's actually logical from her side; she's just an abusive and controlling person.

    That's their first date and what she's doing is instructing the man that his needs are secondary and that he must submit himself to her at every turn. That's not normative behaviour, even within this conversation of emotion to logic. Especially with something as primal as his access to food. This isn't a "I would like to try some of that too"; it's a "what's yours is mine and what's mine is mine" and she went with that from the outset. She didn't break him and continued pushing while attempting other manipulations in order to get him to submit.

    It wasn't that she was navigating the world emotionally and it was rubbing against his logic; it's that she was engaging in controlling and manipulative behaviour. It's not about the food (just as her comments about liking to buy nice outfits wasn't about HER buying nice outfits), it's a foot in the door to a long and abusive process of controlling her partner. That was her first time meeting the guy during a blind dating show. She knows right from wrong; she's simply aware of the risk to reward and believes that she deserves her partner to submit to her (which she'll likely attempt to excuse it because she's pretty).

    He talks about how men and women had to learn to survive and how that effects how we all interact with the world. For men, who have been socialised as the providers, access to food is access to personal power as without fuel his ability to provide (and therefor, psychologically, his ability to be a man) is greatly reduced. This wasn't truely about emotionality vs logic, but rather posturing for power within the relationship; she was attempting to make him submit to her.

    I've seen the full clip of her and she tries this multiple times with the guy. Physically leaning over to get to his food and gesturing to take it without actually aiming to take it. After this doesn't work several times she then attempts to offer him some of hers in return. She never actually attempted to steal the food; she was pushing for him to submit his food to her, as in, it had to be his choice to submit.
    If it was simply her being overly emotional then she would've become heated or just stolen it; her response was controlled, though unusual.

  4. 3:50 i disagree t a certain extent. I find that those type of people tend to say exactly the thing they want that mean respect for them. This is anecdotal, yet the thing that they say most people dont view as important, so it seems entitled or petty. Not all people are the sae at all bit i do understand exactly the immaturity youre talking about.

  5. The screaming stepmom video reminds me SO MUCH of my mom. My mom is a very emotional person, to the point of losing touch with reality sometimes. A few weeks ago, when I was visiting, she exploded at my dad for no reason whatsoever. He was speaking about upcoming renovations, and she started saying he had changed his plans. My dad and I knew full well nothing in the renovations plan had changed – for months. She started screaming and crying so hard she strained her voice and started choking. 😳 She then started talking about stuff my dad did 35 years ago, before I was even born. It was honestly scary.

  6. I'm honest with women and it does well for me. If she's being difficult I simply tell her she's being intolerable. Depending on how she responds will determine if I talk to her again. Don't play stupid games my dudes, you'll always win stupid prizes.

  7. I have never ever in my entire 28 years of life ever had a woman care about my emotions. they are either disgusted by them or ignore them. ive never had a woman apologize to me after going to far or care about how her actions make me feel. not even a little. all the meanest things ive seen done to men and women were done by women. the women of today make me simultaneously wish i was gay and dead. the vast majority were raised to hate men and think they are always right. they treat men like second class citizens or pawns. i would gladly give both my arms and legs for a kind caring woman of any shape, size or colour to just be around in my life.

  8. It's WILD how women always accuse men of gaslighting or lying relentlessly, but women will gaslight the absolute crap out of you with their emotions even if you have hard, and even physical, evidence to support what you're saying. You're not supposed to lie to women, but you're also punished for being honest with women, and somehow men are still "the problem"…

    And not all women are guilty, obviously, but we DEFINITELY need more women who are willing to call other women out on their BS (aka this lovely channel here).

  9. I enjoy learning about people and their emotions.

    But mostly when it's a 2 way street.
    And not when it's not only expected, but demanded, whether they earned it or not. Worse yet, when they don't reciprocate and belittle the other for showing a fraction of what they've been doing.

  10. Christine watch the whatever clips with teh girl or woman asks brain to leave once she says Misogynistic the brain asks her define Misogynistic that's when she asks to leave she cant handle being challenge on topic that's what it says to me

  11. my issue with the statement about emotional men not showing emotions is..where is the pressure valve, which leads into the confronting situation here in Australia that in 2022 female self death was roughly 700 for the year. for males it wsa 2700 over 3 times as high yet it barely gets any traction in mainstream media. And its rising in younger males, we have a problem in that you are damned if you do, damned if you don't.

  12. Social isolation… a punishment. Is it less of a punishment for not being complete? As in, Unseen older women or 80% of men suffering isolation from the other gender. Just a thought.

  13. my experience has taught me that women make everything about themselves, even when you trying to present an issue that does not have any issue involving a specific person, somehow they issue becomes about something within that woman character or life experience. never fails.

  14. How about that, one reviewer, (of one gender, reviewing another reviewer of the opposite gender) & she's kind enough to agree with him, those two women in the metaphore's are both unbalanced, not a good example, because irrational minds occur in both sexes. this doesnt really prove anything,

  15. Fascinating video, Let's stop taking relationship and family for granted. I have battled depression since my wife left me. I have tried all I can to make her see that I love her with everything I am made of but she has insisted on leaving. This has made me so empty, and I do not know what to do. I can barely function properly at work. I am frustrated and miserable. I really miss her.

  16. Women's perspective worked great….until they decided they wanted to be men, but not follow through and understand men. Come into a man's workplace and muck it up with feelings. Its the equivalent of going on a hunt in the past with the men for food and screaming "RUN LITTLE DEER, RUN, THEY'RE GOING TO KILL YOU, YOU'RE TOO CUTE FOR THAT". That woman wouldn't make it back to camp, and the other women would've understood that endangering the group's ability to survive was not worth her feelings. Except now there is less stakes, and women don't understand that they're still ruining a perfectly good workplace with their lack of competence and addition of feelings about how they're doing great while at best doing 50% of the work, and usually just being in the road and inhibiting the men from being more effective.

  17. I observed a situation similar to the one at 6:00. I have two younger brothers that are twins. They were born 9 minutes apart and the "older" one is a bit bigger and defaults very much to the middle child while the younger one has always been the baby of the family.

    The three of us were eating together in a restaurant along with the "older" twin's fiancee, who is an inveterate plate picker. She'd known for a long time that younger twin HATES people picking off of his plate but insisted on doing it anyway. He told her to stop and said it was her last warning.

    Well, she didn't believe him and proceeded to try it again and he comes out of his seat and across the table at her. Fortunately, the table was wide and she was near the door, so my brother couldn't quite reach her and she was able to bolt.

    She immediately starts crying and demanded that my other brother, her fiancee, do something about it. He just started dying laughing and goes, "I guess you'll listen next time he tells you not to do something". She never tried it again.

    Too many women feel entitled to violate men's boundaries then want to cry foul and play victim when it blows up in their face.

  18. One thing that I as a guy who grew up poor and often didn't know when I would have my next meal, absolutely HATE is when a woman im with literally orders her food, and I order mine and she proceeds to eat off my plate. It's disrespectful, it disregards my personal needs and it shows to me that she thinks she deserves it more than I do, even if I'm paying for it or I cooked it. That may not be how she sees it but that's how it comes across. Of course this is a generalization and is not true across the board, but one thing I've noticed is that women tend to disregard men's personal space or belongings more than men do women's. Men tend to respect each others personal space and belongings much more because there is an inherent possibility of direct consequence if you don't, but we carry that over to our treatment of women. We could easily say well there would be no risk of me disregarding her personal space and belongings because she won't fight back but it's still disrespectful. Whereas it's far less likely for a man to beat up a woman for taking his food. Ask any man, even if it's your best buds and they just nonchalant start eating your food without asking, it's a huge sign of disrespect. Obviously you're not in a relationship with your best bud, and your woman is different, but it's still disrespectful.

    As a side note: I always think of this example. If we're at the store and I notice a guy waving a gun around and you come out of the bathroom and you don't see him. I grab you and say "shut the fk up" and pull you down to the ground behind the counter, what will you do? Believe it or not there are some women who would sass you right there while you're trying to keep her safe. Now go in the opposite direction, the woman sees the guy acting suspicious and off but she doesn't see the gun and whispers to me "I have a bad feeling I feel like we should leave right now", I should follow probably follow her feeling without thinking about it.

  19. I remember having a conversation years ago w/a friend on part of my maturation process & how I had to learn to control my emotions. I remember sharing "I would argue your facts for the virtue of my emotions." I felt (then) having more emotions made me more right just bc having them made me more virtuous and correct vs any logic I've since grown from that point & learned emotions are part of an equation, not the total sum of how to handle things.

  20. Alexander is a intelligent and logical person on what he talk.
    I like watching his videos alot.
    Most of his contant is funny as hell because of the honesty and insight.
    It's something my intuition was always telling me.

  21. Women today have no male line they cannot cross or men will check them physically. Men today are culturally castrated while women are legally and socially catered to in every area of life.

  22. All that knowledge doesn't help a lot though. Best advice i ever heard, when a womam talks to you:
    In your head put "I feel" in front of the sentence
    and "at the moment" at the end of the sentence.
    Then it's easier to keep a cool head and don't start to argue on an emotional basis with her.

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