
Why this billionaire Aussie mining magnate is SUDDENLY

Why this billionaire Aussie mining magnate is SUDDENLY going green

#billionaire #Aussie #mining #magnate #SUDDENLY

“Rebel News”

| Avi Yemini probes mining tycoon Andrew ‘Twiggy’ Forrest about his involvement behind the scenes at the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos.

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  1. It doesn't matter what he is doing now, it's what he did. Like you said, he made his fortune reaping every resource and now he wants to fix it. Not going to happen.

  2. It's a scam, a sort of business ambush:
    1. pre-position assets in "green" energy technology and enterprise, something the market does not care for or it would exist already, and then
    2. exploit the vulnerability of Western Democracies (corruption) to impose regulations that push artificial demand for "green" technologies, and then
    3. profit

    It is so synthetic that it smack you in the face with its obviousness.

  3. Awesome Video! These Backhanded Liars. Now They will limit the amount of producers even more so options are limited and they can control who gets what and at what price to line their pockets and take more control from the general population.

    They Already Own Most Politicians in Most Countries as WEF Leader Already Bragged they infiltrated many countries governments on video infront of WEF Members.

    Why isn't this Illegal Spy Syndicate Being Arrested BY EVERY COUNTRIES POLICE AND SECRET SERVICE?

    They are a Foreign Spy Agency thats infiltrated Governments around the World. That Clearly Makes them ALL a Threat TO EVERY NATION IN THE WORLD!!!

  4. Sorry but I don’t at all that mining is destroying the planet, you’re going way too far on this one. It’s the same thing with people yelling about petroleum ( no it’s not a damn fossil fuel because an hydrocarbon is NOT made of dead plants and animals at all) when this thing helped the humanity more than anything else.

  5. I think they need to rename themselves wtf. I’ve tried to tell my kids who are adults but they think I’m mad. It’s so frustrating feeling alone and knowing what’s happening. No body wants to see or hear the truth. But at least you’re trying. You must feel soooo frustrated.

  6. Goin green = buying billions in lithium stock. Then buying governments to enforce the bogus green agenda (& essentially, gaming the lithium investments); then re-writing the narrative making yourself the supreme benefactor of the poor and world’s good guy. He’s such a smug pos. Wish i could be there the moment he realizes he’s about to meet his maker.

  7. He has been going green for a while. Something to do with his surname? 😂 more dollars than sense. He can waste all the money he wants, just don't shove it down our throa and dictate to us.

  8. He's getting paid to go green by the WEF.
    Also he will get massive tax breaks from a WEF controlled Australian Government.
    Its the same here in Canada. All our big businesses and Parliament are controlled by the WEF!

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