
How to Install WordPress using Docker Compose with

💽💻 How to Install WordPress using Docker Compose with Domain and SSL 🌐🔒

#Install #WordPress #Docker #Compose


Welcome to our comprehensive guide on installing WordPress using Docker Compose with a custom domain and SSL!

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In this step-by-step tutorial, we’ll walk you through the entire process, from setting up Docker Compose…



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  1. Nice and simple, but the yaml file have 4 errors, in a yaml file you cant use tabs for indentation and those line have some tabs, i delete all and the done, try to fix it in the download file you have

  2. Hi .. i am getting an error at the end of mysql env para at line 44 of yaml file – as follows: parsing /opt/wordpress/docker-compose.yml: yaml: line 44: found character that cannot start any token

  3. Hi very useful document but the only problem that will most likely confuse some followers is that the yml file is not very well formatted and needs just some edits. Otherwise, this is a very useful document. Thanks

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