
Unbound in Docker with PiHole – Regain Your Privacy –

Unbound in Docker with PiHole – Regain Your Privacy – Cybersecurity at Home

#Unbound #Docker #PiHole #Regain #Privacy

“Jim’s Garage”

Use Unbound as a self-hosted recursive DNS resolver to help protect your online privacy. In this video I show you how to deploy unbound with PiHole (and optional VPN) in Docker. Cybersecurity at home!

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  1. Hi Jim, great video. Are you sure your docker-compose.yml is correct? I kept getting service.pihole.environment variable must be mapped error. I had to remove the `-` in front of the environment variables or put `" "` around the variable to get around the error. After `docker compose up -d` I get the message `error response from daemon: network proxy not found` any idea what that is about? I can see in portainer that the bridge was created but the container were not created.

  2. Thanks Jim!, could set this up in a Docker Swarm with replication and a way to still see all the individual clients? That would be (I think) the ultimate setup, in case one node fails the other one would pick it up or in case of upgrading one node.

  3. I've been running PiHole with unbound since few months now, it is working great without any issues.

    I noticed that the unbound image you used in the docker-compose file (mvance/unbound) is a big one relatively: around 90 MB image (as it is based on Debian base image) , I have been using the "klutchell/unbound" image which is based on Alpine linux and it is around 6MB. Just a tip to save space and resources.

    I wanted once to try the AdGuardHome alternative to PiHole (also a docker image), but that one is heavier on my mini-server machine, it consumes always around 6% CPU, while PiHole is less than 1%. I am always trying to optimize my docker server as it is not that powerful with only 16GB ram and runs 40+ containers.

  4. This might be my next project. I’ve tried pi hole a handful of times over the years but inevitably after a few months, my Internet slows to a crawl.

    I’m gonna go back and watch your pole video and see if I can glean an answer as to why that is

  5. Excellent video as always, thank you so much for all your content, I am learning a lot. In my case, I use the OPNsense unbound, and have the other settings as you in PiHole, except that I also check the "Use Conditional Forwarding" and refer to the DCHP server IP, just at the end of the settings page, in order to get the hostnames instead of simple IPs in the logs. Am I doing smth wrong in terms of security? Thanks again

  6. Thank you for the informative video. As with all your videos, you make a potentially complex topic very easy to understand and implement. I'm already utilising PiHole over a Cloudflare tunnel and I'm not too worried about the privacy concerns but the additional protection Unbound provides against DNS poisoning is interesting so I may look at switching.

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