
How to Increase the Max Upload File Size in Nextcloud

How to Increase the Max Upload File Size in Nextcloud in UnRaid #nextcloud #unraid

#Increase #Max #Upload #File #Size #Nextcloud

“Filamore Tech”

In this video, I’m going to show you how to increase the maximum upload file size you’re able to upload to your Nextcloud server. All of the videos and all of the documentation I read were for non-UnRaid installations. Hopefully this video will help you out.

#unraid #nextcloud…



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  1. That instructions didn't work for me. Instead, I had to perform the following steps:

    Navigate to the /etc/php82/conf.d directory.

    Modify the configuration settings in the nextcloud.ini file.

  2. For those who are struggling to find php.ini
    I'm using Version: 8.2.11 and I found nextcloud.ini instead of php.ini but it works the same. I replaced the existing variables with my desired valued.

  3. Instead of the watching the whole video, I just had to jump to the conclusion. That music in a background is a video killer. If I want to listen to music, I search for music, if I want to hear some computer stuff, I usually search for that too. So please, no more horrible music on videos about computer videos. Thanks

  4. Also for unraid, you can edit these by editing the php-local.ini file in "appdatanextcloudphpphp-local.ini" with something like below. your pathing may vary and the / or (windows vs linux) but this gives you a general idea. Im still working on how to increase the max chunk size >.>

    memory_limit = 4096M
    max_input_time = 21600
    max_execution_time = 21600
    upload_max_filesize = 16G
    post_max_size = 16G

  5. Amazing video. Learn alot. Just running into 1 problem. So I made the changed to my php.ini file and I'm able to see the changes without any issues in the system. I'm also able to upload up to 64GB now if I'm logged in. But if I share the link with others it's not they will receive the error " An unknown error had occurred like it still runs into the limiter. Any idea on this issue?

  6. Is it persistent to update ? I thought for unraid we had to manually change the php-local.ini in the appdata folder for nextcloud to get that persistence. thanks

  7. Once Nextcloud updates, all of the settings that were changed in the video revert back to the default settings. Is there a way to make the changes persist through Nextcloud updates?

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