
P*rnstar’s Abandoned Villa in Belgium – Police Raided

P*rnstar’s Abandoned Villa in Belgium – Police Raided the Property!

#Prnstars #Abandoned #Villa #Belgium #Police #Raided


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  1. Hey Explomers! We just reached 20 Channel Members – thank you so much! ❤
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  2. Wow…such an unusual home! With one living area clean and tidy and the other ransacked and torn apart. I wonder if when the prison sentence is is finished can the owners go back home? Awe…just a thought. How is Raemon? Has he left you completely or is he just busy? It would be very nice to see him again! Well, take care and be happy!

  3. Hola Maureno y Remon, nuevamente por acá disfrutando de esta exploración en Bélgica.
    Asusta saber que esa casa fue intervenida el algún momento por la policía y el motivo seguirá siendo un misterio. Pero por el contenido podemos decir que fue el hogar de una familia que disfrutaba de múltiples aficiones.
    La arquitectura de la casa, es un poco caótica, demasiados salones y comedores, pero quiero destacar el salón principal por la altura del cielo, su escalera y la baranda de fierro que pienso la da un toque de elegancia, me gustó.
    En el interior aún es posible encontrar objetos muy finos como jarrones, cristalería y vajilla de porcelana, mis favoritas de los abandonos.
    La decoración no fue de mi gusto, tampoco los revestimientos cerámicos del baño, por esos colores rojos o anaranjados tan fuertes que he visto en otras casas de Bélgica y seguramente se usaron mucho en alguna época, pienso que por los años 90.
    Estresa ver tanto desorden y acumulación de objetos, pero eso también nos enseña que lo mejor es elegir el estilo minimalista, mientras menos mejor 😊
    Muchos cariños para ambos y hasta la próxima. 🙋‍♀️ 👍👏😘🤗

  4. Buongiorno Maureno e Remon
    Spettacolare incredibile .una casa grandissima strana e piena di ogni cosa ..
    Sicuramente per essere arrivata la polizia ed averli rinchiusi ambedue qualcosa di grave hanno fatto ..ma la figlia? Sarebbe interessante sapere !!
    Grazie carissimi per questa grande esplorazione 💪💪💪💪💪❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  5. I remember this house, I already moved another urban exploration of it in my "particular backstories" playlist. Its backstory is way more seedy than the other residences shock full of stashed p***rn material I stumbled upon…

    Apparently, the owner was a male widow. Unable to cope with the loss of his wife, he took refuge in s***x addiction. It degenerated to the point he had to satiate his appetite in more risky ways, by inviting over women at the place.
    He impressed them by flaunting his wealth, promising them wonders. The boatload of alcohol he kept in reserve must have helped a great deal to break down their defense, as well. He installed a hidden cam and proceeded to film his bed shenanigans without their authorization. Upon discovering it, the police jailed him for a couple of months. Now that his reputation is destroyed, he left this gaudy Mock Tudor house to rot away…

    I believe even his video collection is still on site. I'll check later if this hilarious king size gorilla plushie is still lounging in the living room.
    Harambe is watching you, so behave 😉

  6. What a curious house! I love the rural Belgian setting. The villa itself is pretty kitsch and not my personal taste (the gorilla and duck are funny but again not my taste hahahah) but the story and fading glory of what must have been a family home is so interesting. Thanks Explomo.

  7. I thought the building had a strange feeling about it, maybe it was the style of building . Be very careful around them old mirrors a.lot have mercury in them , Thank you for vid Maureno x

  8. Маурено, спасибо за интересное видео, какой богатый, красивый, шикарный дом, как жаль, что он стоит заброшенный, привет из России 🇱🇺 😊 Надежда, будь осторожен, когда посещаешь такие заброшенные места, береги себя

  9. Hullo you are doing a heck of a lot of shorts, we want to see the full investigation in one video so myself and friends are no longer going to be following you which is a shame it's been a couple of years we have followed you

  10. Crime scene tape but still entered?
    31:00 in i heard a child’s voice with other people in the background…very creepy.
    You kept saying they’re probably in prison but provide no additional information…Hard to believe that the entire family was imprisoned.Thats a lot of memories to be just left behind without some other family member..
    Looks like black mold on the walls above the staircase.
    Looks like millions of dollars worth of art and antiques left behind..so strange

  11. Hola maureno ,bastante extraña esta casa, ese peluche gigante, las máscaras, armas .. también ese baño particular en fin pero en general se veía bien más allá de lo que tal vez paso con sus habitantes. Será hasta el próximo video.

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