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Minecraft Mobs That Didn’t Make It

Minecraft Mobs That Didn’t Make It

#Minecraft #Mobs #Didnt


SystemZee reveals Minecraft’s list of REJECTED mobs that didn’t make it into the game. From terrifying monsters to adorable wildlife!

You can find all of these mobs in Minecraft on our free Minecraft server: |


EDITED BY: @vfxraydell

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  1. Idea for you to make!:ANTS! This addon adds this species of ant:yellow crazy ants:the most fast ant in the game,trap jaw ants:it gives a lot of damage,fire ants:this ant is in second place of the ant that gives more damage,bullet ants:it is the ant that gives more damage in the ENTIRE game!,types:worker,soldier,super soldier,queen,worker:the workers will steal or items to put on the nest,soldier:he doesn’t help to make the nest like the worker and he protects off and on the nest,super soldier:he haves a massive head and gives more damage than normal soldiers,queen ant:she will stay on the egg chamber if you attack her she will spawn a lot of soldiers that will start attacking you,frogs will eat ants,ant nests:this nests are made of dirt that if you brake it the a lot of soldier ants and workers will start attacking you(similar with the bee)and that is all I hope you liked the idea!

  2. Alr here’s a chalenge you know the sky islands from tears of the kingdom. Make those and put that into origins you made solid clouds before you can surely make this Mr. Zee

  3. Mojang take notes…

    Please add all of these to minecraft there would actually be reasons for you to leave your house in minecraft if you had more things to explore so if mojang sees this please add them to the game when you have time #minecraft

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